Chapter 32 {Edited}

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In the blink of the eye my simple math classroom was twisted into a freezing hell hole. Frost crackled up the windows weaving intricate webs along the glass, my breath fogged in front of me and my heart plummeted as I realized what was happening.

“Sabe-” I turned to stop him but he was already gone.

Screams erupted around me, papers went flying, as I turned I was met with a massive rush of students all stampeding for the door. I dove out of the way rolling to a stop underneath the blackboard at the front of the class. Kaden collided with the board just a little ways away from me on my right, the force with what he hit it at cause big jagged cracks to spread out some parts crumbling away like old stone. Saebriel stood in the middle of the room his hands held stiffly at his sides.

“I hope you believe in god.” He growled taking a step towards the board then vanishing.

“Shit.” I cursed pushing to my feet running towards Kaden who had fallen to the ground, but he was gone before I had even gotten to my feet.

A blur caught my attention and I turned just in time to watch Saebriel toss Kaden like a paper airplane across the room into the computer desk. He rolled around on top of the monitors moaning groggily before falling off the desks onto the ground fairly hard. Saebriel went to step forward so I did the only thing I could think of, I screamed.

It stopped him dead in his tracks, and he turned to look at me his eyes wide.

“Saebriel don’t you dare kill him.” I shouted stepping towards him slowly.

“Twice now he has kissed you, against your will.”

“Dammit Sabe if you kill him they’ll come and take you away.”

His shoulders went back, “Your police cannot touch me.”

I shook my head taking a few more steps towards him, “Then they’ll try and kill you, they’ll have guns and won’t care about the casualties.”

Kaden coughed shifting from his place on the floor making both Sabe and I look at him for a heartbeat.

“He blemish’s my honor by kissing you. You are my Servant, you are mine.”

My arms dropped to my sides, “I thought I was your girlfriend?” He hadn’t changed all that much and really I wasn’t expecting anything big.

He cursed under his breath turning walking towards me, “You are,” he turned away from me and I watched as his tense shoulders relaxed by a fraction before he turned back to look at me, “If I kill him not only will your worries be over but I will no longer feel this horrible dropping sensation when I see his face.”

Slowly I advanced towards him keeping my hands raised up a little, Saebriel was upset and I knew that he would react like a wild animal if I wasn’t careful. Keeping him calm would be my biggest challenge especially with Kaden still in the room.

“I really want you to kill him Sabe, don’t get me wrong. But under the Vampiric Law you cannot kill him.”

Saebriel scoffed rolling his eyes, “Under your law’s yes I am not within my right to kill him. But under our laws, Aderyn, I can eviscerate him and hang his intestines from the flag pole in salute to all the bastards who dare to touch you.”

I swallowed the bile that rose thanks to that delightful image he had painted in my head of what he was planning to do to Kaden if I let him get past me. Letting out a slow breath I stopped walking and stood very still, I didn’t like the idea of making Saebriel force to change.

Hell if I didn’t have to change anything other than my sleeping habits for him he shouldn’t have to change anything apart from his eating habits. If the teachers found Saebriel and Kaden was dead, no doubt I would lose Saebriel for sure. So much for our movie date.

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