Chapter 42{Edited}

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I woke in a cold sweat, my throat raw and a terrified scream echoing around my small bedroom. The room was dark and I heard a large commotion outside my bedroom door before it flew open bouncing off the wall. My one hand was pressed flat to my chest while the other covered my mouth, I had drifted up from the deep unconsciousness, enough that I was haunted with Cole. The smell ofhis burst intestines and the stench of his blood clung to my skin making me feel sick.


“Get Saebriel in here!” I looked up at the doorway my heart plummeting, Saebriel wasn’t here?

He was always here, he never left me alone. I pulled the blankets and slid from the bed collapsing to the floor, tears ran in rivers down my cheeks dripping onto the carpet. The letter! Oh god no, where was the letter?


“Move!” Saebriel barked, I felt him enter the room because a pressure built in my head.


I could barely breath my heart was racing so quickly that I coughed with each struggling breath, He crouched down beside me one hand sliding along my back gently, the other placed an open piece of paper infront of me. On it was a date, my name, and Icarus’ signature.


“What is this? Why was this in your bag!” He hissed in my ear.


Instead of fear boiling up like bile in the back of my throat, it was burning rage that caused my body to tense. He had gone through my things and opened something that was clearly for me to read. In spur of the moment I spun bringing my fist into the side of his face. He barely moved and instead his head just turned to look away.


“Why the fuck would you open that!” I shouted at him trembling, “You had no right to touch that letter.”


“Why do you have a letter from Icarus!” He shouted at me.


“It’s not from Icarus! You had no right to even touch it” I snarled at him trying to blink away the tears.

Saebriel stood up turning his back to me, if I told him now it wouldn’t make much difference. Icarus was going to have Ekaterina kill everybody I ever said hi to, which in some situations is acceptable. But there were some people I didn’t want to see die like Cole did.


“Ekaterina is working for Icarus.” I forced the words from my mouth and the room froze.


“What?” Saebriel hissed.

“She- She was at the gym… fuck. Damnit just watch my memory, I can’t…” just thinking about it made me gag and nearly throw up in my mouth.

Saebriel dropped to his knees infront of me, grabbed the sides of my face and turned me to face him. “Is it bad?” he asked softly.

I nodded, “You weren’t supposed to read the letter, it was meant for me and me alone. Now he’s going to kill everybody I know, because you couldn’t keep your hands to yourself.”

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