Chapter 9 {Edited}

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Screw you” I grumbled limping around my room after he left.

I wasn’t going to lay in bed all freaking day just because he had ordered me to, I was angry and I needed to go and hit something as hard as I could. My hands had healed enough I could go for a nice long work out. I pulled on little grey shorts and a matching grey tank-top, My sneakers were at the front door with my pre-packed gym bags.

The only time I paused was when I realized two days of dehydration and malnutrition should have at least made me too weak to move like this. Even the hit with the baseball bat hadn’t been as serious; it should have at least broken or fractured a rib.

Instead I had only suffered bruising and having the breath knocked out of me. I looked down at myself frowning, what was happening to me? I’d ask Sabrinna later, part of me suspected that it was Saebriels doing that my body had been rushed into recovery. Maybe he had done what he did when I was all cut up, he had been able to heal those faster than they should have.

Well it’s better not to look a gift horse in the mouth right? I really wanted out of the house and away from the thought of Saebriel, what I needed was a nice long work out to force my body into recovery my own way. I had at least three work-out bags ready to go, only because I forgot to clean them.

I opened my door gasping sharply when I saw the twins standing in the doorway, shoulder to shoulder so their blue eyes were next to each other. They even blinked in sync with the other, it was creepy in the worst of ways. I mean they both looked so innocent with their light blond hair and wide eyes.

“Where do you think you’re going” Argon on the right asked.

I scowled, “To beat the crap out of something, why you wanna’ come along?” I asked.

They looked at each other and smiled flashing fangs, “Saebriel said to make sure she doesn’t leave” Argon said glancing at me.

My jaw tightened and so did my fists, “But she said we could go with her, so we can still keep her safe” Mercury added looking me up and down.

I placed my hands on my hips, “What exactly are you keeping me safe from?” I asked.

They looked back at me and frowned in unison, “Sorry Miss Taun, we can’t say”

“Call me Aderyn, Miss Taun makes me feel old, which isn’t right seeing as how both of you are probably way older than I could even guess” I sighed slipping between them.

A-der-ryn…” Argon said my name as if he were testing it out.

“Does this mean we’re friends?” I turned to look back at them and paused.

“Would you be a sister to us?” Mercury asked.

They looked to be maybe fifteen, not much younger than me but they seemed to act younger. Hell they acted like they were ten, which confused my mind because they were probably ancient, looked fifteen, and acted ten… fucking vampires.

I shrugged my shoulders finding myself smiling, Vampires wanted to be my friends, how cute. “Sure why not”

They disappeared for a moment and I felt their hands grip mine, “Good you’ll be our little sister” Argon said his voice growing with age.

My eyes widened and I turned to look at Mercury, “You two were acting…” I whispered.

They laughed nodding their heads, “We’re able to change how old we appear, but this is our natural age” Argon said now looking me straight in the eye.

“Holy crap, that’s cool.” I murmured trying not to gape at them.

They both laughed softly and nodded, “Aderyn, where exactly do you plan to go work out?” Mercury asked.

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