Chapter 48 {Edited}

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***Note at the end, Please read if you want to know about new cover and title as well as a special chapter****

Saebriel cursed and quickly pulled me up against his chest hiding the bite mark from Sabrinna’s gawking eyes. His lips curled back in a snarl before he looked down at me, our eyes met and he relaxed a little bit. Except for my face feeling red I wasn’t hurt and I wasn’t all that upset either. My arms slowly wrapped around Saebriels chest and I pressed my face in against the side of his neck.


“Get the hell out!” he shouted at Sabrinna who still stood there watching uslike it was her own private show.


Why did they have to show up when they did, seriously we were finally not being awkward and weird with one another. Sabrinna turned on her heel her pale white hair swishing behind her as she made her way back outsideonto the snow powdered porch to stand with Mercury and Simon. Which left Saebriel and I alone in the cabin once again his cool body sheltering mine, the sound of the wood crackling under the rage of the fire that moaned next to us in the hearth.


“I’m sorry for that Rin.” He whispered his hand holding the back of my head.

I smiled and tilted my head up to kiss the side of his neck causing him to shiver, “You can’t control what they do.”

His hands tightened on me, “That isn’t what I’m apologizing for.” He shouted curling over me, “I bit you Rin, I bit your breast… my god.” He sounded so upset by it.


“Don’t get upset you ass. Sabe this was the first time you bit me without pulling away. I’m fine with you biting me alright. So please, don’t freak out.” I pushed on his chest and was able to get some distance between us.


He gave a shy smile nodding his head, the wind outside moaned past the windows followed by a loud knock at the door reminding us both we had company that needed our attention right that very second.


“I’ll be out in a minute!” Saebriel shouted turning to glare at the door his eyes darkening with anger.

I slid my hands up the sides of his face and turned him to look back at me, “Don’t kill them alright. I like them, they’re my friends.”

Saebriel snorted a laugh shaking his head free of my hold, “I wouldn’t ruin this trip by killing someone, especially not one of them.” He wrapped his arms around my waist and hoisted me up over his shoulder.


I didn’t even have time to scream, he moved so quickly I barely had time to register that he was standing before we were moving towards the bed. Laughter bubbled up and forced its way out of my mouth, my hands pushed against his shoulder lifting me up a little causing him to wobble off balance a little before righting himself again.


Without warning I was flipped back over his shoulder and tossed onto the bed, landing on my back staring aimlessly at the log ceiling that was filled with long stretching dancing shadows. Slowly I sat up sliding my legs over the edge of the bed until my feet touched the wood panel flooring. Saebriel was digging around in his bag which was across the room closer to the door, I could hear him grumbling to himself as he searched through his clothes.

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