Chapter 4 {Edited}

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I stumbled behind Jumbo the clown faced Vampire aware that wary and fearful eyes followed me. Despite the lore behind Vampires and all the rest of the monsters here, Vampires remained the top predators on the planet. Holy water worked on them, crosses burned, silver burned them, but a no go on the whole garlic thing. It was just the strong smell made them nauseas and light headed.

“What is with you guys and tears?” I asked him, it was the second time one of these living challenged people had mentioned blood and tears.

He glanced back at me smirking again pulling me into the school hallways, “Blood taste better with tears, sad, happy, aroused,” what the hell was aroused tears? “Terrified, angry, any will do” He said calmly like it was normal, “Me personally, I like the taste of pained tears and terrified. But I would guess you’re more of an angry crier, I’d enjoy that.”

I on the other hand felt a little sickened at his list of various tears, I didn’t want to know how he found out the different types and tastes. I sure as hell didn’t want him to find out what my tears tasted like, mostly because of the one he chose to taste. Pain, tears of pain… I shuddered at the idea of what he would do in order to get those from me.

I looked around the hallway we had entered, the walls and arched ceiling were all a pristine white with light blue trim, the hanging lights making everything glow. Students moved out of the way emptying the hallways, a bell sounded in the background and people scrambled into classrooms.

“What period is this?” I asked him.

He sighed heavily, “Period four, after lunch, why?” He grumbled.

I shrugged my shoulders, “Curious, won’t the teacher be a little peeved that you’re interrupting class with a human?”

He chuckled shaking his head, “You understand nothing cow, we don’t have teachers. You’ll understand when you meet with Saebriel, and you tell him that wonderful little line from before.” He shivered his grip tightening awkwardly on my arm, “God I can’t want to sink fangs into you” he groaned coming to a halt a tall door.

He knocked on it three times then stopped, slowly it creaked open revealing a dark classroom no candles or lights on or lit. The curtains were drawn back allowing in cool moonlight to stream into the room casting a glow on the people seating in the theatre like seats.

My heart stuttered in my chest, I was getting frightened now. I couldn’t get scared now. Taking in a deep breath trying calming my mind and body before I was tugged inside the room, I tried to recount all the reasons I needed to be here. The door behind me was still open, I was debating whether or not I should turn and try to run for it. I was slowly beginning to realize the severity of the grave I was digging myself into.

“Herald, you’re late. What kept you?” That voice! It was that pervert from my room.

“Yeah Harry, We’ve been waiting for you” And that one belonged to that doll girl.

Herald bowed his frame still tall enough that it hid my 5’3”. I grimaced standing behind him as he stood back up I felt like a damn midget behind him, he pulled me forward tossing me across the room. I hit the ground rolling coming to a stop against the teacher’s desk. I sat up slowly and glared over at Herald, my hands ached reminding me of the cuts and bruises there. My right sock had begun to slide showing dark bruises just over the cuff.

“Sorry, but this cow wanted to speak with Saebriel” Herald said closing the door behind him, locking me in a room with a bunch of Vamps. Greeaat, just what I was hoping for. Aderyn you are one big freaking idiot.

I rubbed the back of my head, “Thanks for the introductions Chuckles the evil piggy” I grumbled looking around the lecture room.

The culprit I had come to see sat in the middle of all the chairs his feet resting up on the chair in front of him, Doll girl draped over his shoulders nuzzling his neck. His eyes widened a little bit at me but he was quick to hide the surprise. There were three other Vamps in the room aside from Chuckles the clown, Doll face and Pervert. Two looked nearly identical except for one had a yellow eye on the left and the other had a yellow right eye.

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