Chapter 18 {Edited}

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She was now seated on my couch one thin leg wrapped over the other, her arms crossed grumpily over her chest. She was wearing a straight hanging white and blue floral dress with some lace stitching along the hem. On her delicate hands she wore the lace gloves, and had a matching white lace choker on.

Everything about her appearance was so pure and beautiful except for the acid like look in her bright crystal blue eyes. She was actually pouting, her eyes round and watery. If she started crying I was going to walk away, I did not deal with emotional people well.

It always ended with me in a potential fight scenario and I never wanted to fight anybody. Expect for a few people now. Namely my current bullies, now excluding Saebriel… Damn the hormonal Teenage mind.

“Finally, it’s about time.” Ekaterina scoffed in her lisping Russian accent.

Her appearance made me frown as I realized that the stereotypical Russian girl and man were not blond, that was the German with their Aryan race. Russians had darker hair and darker eyes, was I getting her mixed with another?

“Shouldn’t she be German?” I asked Saebriel not even trying to hide the question.

She would hear me anyways even if I tried to whisper, Saebriel looked down at me and laughed. “Two, and Ekaterina is of Russian Mother and German father. Both were prolific supporters of the Aryan race. She joined us during the beginning of World War II.”

“Oh…” I was glad he had stopped explaining there, because I didn’t car again.

“Why not just ask me, or are you frightened by my fangs little girl?” She snapped at me. What fangs you idiot! Saebriel ripped them out, Ha-ha! Her hostility though reacted with mine and I instantly got angry with her.

My spine stiffened and I turned to look at her my eyes narrowing, “Can I hurt her?” I asked him glancing over.

He scowled at me and his arm around my hip tightened pulling me in closer to his side. I was taking that as a resounding no.

“Three.” He grumbled leading me into the living room.

We stayed standing while Herald took a seat next to Ekaterina. She looked like a snake coiled to strike.

“Why are you so tense?” I asked her.

Her head snapped to look at me and she snarled baring her odd smile, where her fangs should have been were these two tiny little fangs. It looked odd on her, with just two little nubs sticking out from her pink gums. It was adorable how ferocious she was.

“None of your business cow.” She snarled.

“Ekaterina, she is above you in rank. You will answer her.” Herald spoke this time.

She scoffed rising to her feet tossing her arms out to the sides, “When did we adopt the mutt’s way of working. This coven has never gone off of rank, only power and age. I obviously trump her on age, and power. So I won’t.” She shouted pointing a manicured claw nail at me.

“She did kill a Beta on her own.” Mercury said his hand rising to touch his throat, Argon pulled his hand away before he could touch it.

“Plus Aderyn is going to be Saebriels Bride.” Argon added, leaning in to check on his brothers bandage.

“I really wish somebody would explain what that is.” I muttered under my breath.

Nobody answered the question which meant I would have to figure it out all on my lonesome. How tiring. It seemed too hilarious to Ekaterina who burst into laughter tossing her bright blond curls around her face. I was going to try and step away from Saebriel to try and punch her but instead I just settled for imagining it over and over again. It made me smile as I pictured her being flipped over the back of the couch and smashing her head off the wall of the kitchen counter.

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