Chapter 28 {Edited}

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“Fuck, I was afraid this would happen.” Sabe hissed rubbing his jaw.

Simon glanced over his shoulder at Kaden who had passed out from blood loss, “Is anybody going to do anything about him?” He asked looking at me.

“Why should I, he can bleed to death for all I care.” I said opening the letter, and turning to the side so I didn’t have to look at Kaden.

 Aderyn Taun, as pack law dictates that whoever defeats the Beta or Alpha shall take their place. Despite the circumstances that you are in fact a human, your feat of strength has not gone unnoticed. Should you accept this invitation to become our Beta we will prepare for you a set of guards, and accommodations. If you do not wish to accept this offer, which is understandable, then I Alpha Cody Kert will leave Simon Fairhollow in your care as a peace offering to your Vampire master.

Sincerely, Alpha Cody Kert. 

I felt nine kinds of special as I read it, “Hey Sabe look I could be the Beta of a pack. What would you do if I agreed?”

“Kill them all and then steal you back.” He answered in a dead cold serious tone, he said that as if it was the most logical answer he could come up with.

I shivered and nodded my head, “Uh, on that note. I don’t think I will be accepting your Alpha’s offer, but thank him for me. It’s really flattering to have Two Preternatural groups after me.”

“We understand. Now I am to address Saebriel Cashel in terms of making a Truce.”

“How does your Alpha ensure your safety, I could merely accept it then kill you.” He said, even though I knew he wouldn’t because I would make damn sure he wouldn’t. I looked back down at the letter and grinned, I held it up in front of Saebriels face and watched as he read it to himself. A frown creased his forehead and he looked down at me.

“You have to be kidding me.”

“No killing Simon, He’s under my protection.” I grinned.

Saebriel groaned tossing his head back, “Sly bastard.”

“Pretty smart if you ask me, if you kill Simon then you hurt me in turn because I have to protect him.”

“He is not staying with us.” He said looking down at me.

I pouted my bottom lip, “I say he is.”

“Do I have to make this unfair again?”

Placing my hands on my hips I prepared for a stare down, “Rilla is always a phone call away.”

He waved his finger at me his jaw clenching together, “Do not pull that card on me Aderyn. You will not like me when I’m threatened.”

“You can sleep in my bed, if Simon stays.” I offered instead, I knew Saebriel didn’t like Were-wolves and any chance I got to get even with him even a little was pure heaven. Plus Sabe sort of owed Simon something for the beating he had given him, stalker or not what Sabe had done was over the top.

“You have to sleep shirtless.” He grinned at me.

“No, I don’t wear bras to bed. Shirt stays on. But I’ll drop the pillow barrier.”

His eyebrows scrunched together and he began to naw on his bottom lip, “He isn’t allowed in the bedroom.”

I nodded in agreement, “Fine.”

Saebriel sighed looking over at Simon, “I really don’t want him in your house, I don’t trust him.”

“Well then, stay on my good side and you won’t have to sleep on the couch with him.” I said patting his chest as I walked over to Simon.

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