Chapter 43 {Edited}

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New Cover!!! Plus one of the other New Covers on the side (These two are my favourites out of the three) All were made by TheLastVampire9!! Yay!! *\(^.^)/* Enjoy the Chapter 

I had struggled through class, I went in with Simon ignored everybody and did my work. That night had been me sleeping on the couch with Saebriel, and the following morning was quiet, he made me breakfast and walked me to my first exam with Simon in tow. The English exam flew by and finally I faced my mortal enemy, Math.


My hand had cramped up halfway through my math exam and I damn near screwed up my triangle diagram I was trying to draw because the muscles twitched. Simon sat at the front of the class next to the supervising teacher, and across the room in the last row was Kaden working away at his own set of exams. Apparently he had missed a lot of class as well, probably sucking face with Ekaterina. The image flew through my mind making me gag. That was something I didn’t need to see… like ever.


Simon watched me like a hawk, I swear he didn’t even blink. His arms were crossed and his face pinched in deep thought as if I were some unusual specimen in a petri dish and he was examining me. I stuck my tongue out at him cracking his expression with a playful smile, his eyes flashing amber yellow before reverting back to their normal hazel.


I then looked back down at the math exam finishing the one question then raising my hand to alert my teacher I was finished and ready for the last exam of the day. I didn’t want to know the strings Sabe had to pull in order to have this put together for me, but I was thankful to be getting this all out of the way. If I had been any other student and missed this much school no doubt I would have just been flunked and been forced then to repeat my entire grade.


The teacher looked up from his desk and quickly rose jogging down towards me three rows in from the front on the farthest side. They had purposefully placed Kaden and I as far from one another as they could without putting him in his own classroom. If he was any closer no doubt I would clobber the asshole and I would enjoy it. For everything he had done to me and to Sabe as well. He deserved a good punch to the face.


The teacher collected my math exam and handed me my Sociology one and I felt doom settle in on me making my shoulders droop. Just thinking about it made my hand cramp as if preparing for the agony that was to come. For the next two hours I slaved endlessly at the exam that threatened to end me, forty multiple choice, twelve short answer, one match, and one essay.

My brain was fried by the end of it and I sagged in the seat dropping my head backwards while raising my hand. I could hear Simon stifling laughter, the joke would be on him because there was no way I was walking out of here without some kind of assistance.


‘Sabe I’m done’ even my thoughts sounded out of breath and tired.

I felt him chuckle knowing he could feel my mental exhaustion, ‘Very good, stay where you are.’


It was then my turn to fight a laugh, like I was going anywhere quick. The teacher rose once again and scurried over to me before jogging towards Kaden who had also raised his hand. Kaden glanced in my direction and I had a moment of clouded confusion. His face was flawless once again, I had broken the guys goddamn nose and it looked better than ever. My left hand fanned out over my stomach as I remembered my own wounds and the rapidness of how they healed.

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