Chapter 17 {Edited}

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I was going to burn in hell, well I would if I believed in hell. Saebriel kept my consciousness close enough to the waking world that I wouldn’t be dragged back into the dream, but deep enough that I was actually sleeping it was that impossible equilibrium.

His hand held the back of my neck which apparently is what helped him control my brain, it also forced me to sleep facing him. With all the shit he’s put me through within the last week alone I should be angry, I should be scared.

But I really couldn’t care.

This was the first time anybody had tried to be close to me, or wanted so badly that they would be willing to risk me hating them just to be near me. In a stalker kind of way it was nice… Something was wrong with me. I mean what kind of girl thought that was nice? This is the part where I hold my hand up and ashamedly admit that yeah I kinda liked it. Having Saebriel here it was comforting in a way, in a stalker is my best friend kind of way.

“Aderyn, the sun is setting, they’ll be awake soon” He nudged me from my half-conscious state.

I curled tighter against his side and let out a guttural moan, “Don’t you dare move I am not nearly awake enough for stuff to happen” I grumbled into the side of his chest.

I think it actually surprised him when I did that because he stiffened like he was unsure. “We need to be out there waiting or at least I do” He sighed petting the back of my head.

“Ugh, you’re a pain in the ass” I moaned rolling away from him and sitting up rubbing my watering eyes groggily with my fists.

“I could say the same about you” He murmured against my forehead.

I opened my one eye and glared at him, “Why do you need to be waiting for them?” I asked slowly rising to my feet.

“11. And I need to be out there waiting for them because I’m the eldest and their Coven leader” Sabe said walking to my door.

“Why are you counting again?” My arms dropped to my sides.

He glanced over his shoulder and turned fully to face me, “12. Every question you ask adds to the total”

“No! You mean that-before… only knocked it down 8?”

An evil grin spread across his face and he nodded, “13, Hurry up Rin. They’ll be worried about you as well. Remember a whole day has passed since Mercury was nearly killed, he’ll want to see you”

My hands clenched and I stomped after him, arrogant bastard. God I wish I had cut his head off in his sleep like I had threatened to do. Instead now he was just controlling me like I was a puppet on a string.

I hated that. What he said suddenly hit me and I realized that it really had only been a day since the Were-wolf attack. It felt like a week ago at least that had happened. Pressing my hand to my stomach I gave a short shake of my head walking out of the bedroom behind Saebriel.

“Aderyn!” My name was shouted the minute I stepped out into the hallway.

I was tackled over onto my back by two very small children, their tiny little arms wrapped around my neck hugging me tightly.

“Mercury, Argon.” I wheezed, they were the only ‘kids’ in the apartment technically.

“I’m all better!” Mercury cheered rolling off of me.

His neck was still bandaged, not as heavily as it should be if it was serious, it might not be fully healed yet but he was better that was for sure. I smiled and rubbed his head softly my fingers slipping through his silken blonde hair.

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