Chapter 27 {Edited}

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“You are not moving into my room!” I shouted at him placing my hands on my hips.

He wore that stupid smug smirk that made my eye twitch, “You had no issue with me sharing your bed before, why the sudden privacy issue?” He asked tilting his head to the side. Alright so maybe it was true that for the past week we had just sort of lived in a make-shift way. But that so did not give him the go ahead to decide this!

My jaw dropped, it was around four in the morning the night class students were sneaking from their classes to watch Saebriel and I have a verbal death match about him moving back into my apartment.

I had agreed to his lackeys moving back into the spare room, but now he was under the impression he was going to be living in my room with me. He was so very misinformed it wasn’t funny anymore. Alright so it was funny a little bit, but only because I had missed these kind of arguments more than I even realized.

“The issue was you just sort of walked in, there was no negotiating about it. You said I had final say on what happens with the moving process. You are not moving into my room.”

He rolled his eyes and waved Argon and Mercury up with a few boxes, most likely with his things, inside. I scoffed looking from them to Saebriel.

“You arrogant prick!”

He grabbed my shoulders giving me a little shake, “One, we are drawing an audience. Two, we are dating now you need to relax and trust me.”

My jaw dropped and I stared at him, he said ‘dating’. Was that serious or some kind of sick joke, I felt my face begin to heat and I dropped my head forward in defeat. Oh wow, he was good. He was cheating though, Vampires shouldn’t be allowed to use their years of wooing practice on socially awkward girls, or guys. The past week had been amazing, he had been such a nice guy for a couple minutes… But it did feel more like we were dating now than before, I didn’t feel as ruled over but he was still dominating the relationship.

“I don’t see what that has to do with you sleeping in my room.” I mumbled not looking up to meet his eyes.

Sabe sighed heavily, “I want to ensure that no man comes near you in any advancement, also your scent is soothing. Thus the reason you walked in on me.” He mumbled the last part.

I snorted a laugh and looked up at him, “You fell asleep?”

“Shut up.” He hissed turning to walk away.

“Oh no wait, this is good. So do I smell good enough that I could start my own perfume brand? You should help me with marketing.”

He gave a dry laugh and looked down at me, “Very funny, but I doubt you want to bleed into a bottle just so others can smell like you.” He said.

I winced and nodded my head, “Alright then.”

“Aderyn, is it alright if we make room in your closet.” Bizzy called out from the doorway.

“What! Why?” I shouted walking towards the stairs, Sabe caught my wrist and grinned.

“Go right ahead.” He answered for me.

My jaw clenched and I tugged on my arm, “You are not moving into my room with me!”

“It’s too late Rin, you’re stuck with me now.”

“Sometimes I really wish you did burn in sunlight.” I muttered.

His arm wrapped around my shoulders pulling me in against his side, “But then I wouldn’t get to walk you around school or sit with you at lunch.” One of my favorite things about the past week, definitely having him make Lunch for me then bring it with him when he met me.

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