Chapter 19 {Edited}

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“So about her schooling, should I continue to walk her to class?” Sabrinna asked sitting down on my couch.

I shut my eyes tightly hoping I would fall asleep eventually, but normally when people were talking I couldn’t empty my mind enough to go to sleep.

“For now we will continue with that, still though during class she’s vulnerable.” Sabe sighed petting my head like I was his lap dog or something.

“Somebody should switch into her classes then.” Bizzy suggested.

Everybody was back now after taking Ekaterina gods know where, which meant it was time for them to sit around and have a nice long chat about my life. And to think I could be wasting my time sleeping right now, thank goodness I had Saebriel to keep me awake.

“Either Sabrina or myself, unless we can find a human we can trust.” Saebriel sighed dropping his head forward, “But from surveying the humans here I doubt that would work”

I stared in against the couch blinking ever so slowly, “Or how about we leave Aderyn alone when she’s at school?” I snapped gritting my teeth.

Saebriel chuckled and turned to look at me sweeping his frozen gaze over the room, the temperature dropped by at least five degrees. Goosebumps rose along my open skin and I shuddered wrapping my arms around myself. He was being a jerk, and if I could I would have thrown something heavy at him, like a frying pan, or maybe his ego.

“Don’t be stupid. I let my eyes off of you for five seconds and you have were-wolves and god knows what all trying to either kill you or kidnap you.”

I scowled angrily grinding my teeth together, I sat up and turned around to face him “Screw you-” my voice fell off as his gave darkened on me.

The air grew colder and sent shivers up and down my spine, “Do not push this Rin, you will regret it.”

“How come I don’t get a say on this!” I shouted at him rising to my feet and taking a stepping forward.

He took a step forward and I stepped back from him, hi-ho hi-ho digging a deeper grave I go! His sea foam green eyes narrowed, was he going to give up and let me win this one? Hopeful thinking on my part, He turned on his heel to face the rest of the unwanted group.

“I think Sabrinna should continue on with the way it was going. But keep a closer eye on her, we don’t need her to get hurt again.”

I crossed my arms and huffed out a breath, “Seriously I don’t need to have a baby sitter. I’ve survived up till now, I think I’ll live.” I sighed rolling my eyes.

He ignored me completely, “I’ll see about having either myself or Sabrinna transferred into her class as soon as possible.” My spine straightened and I felt the hair on the back of my neck begin to rise, I was going to pop him in the face. Just reach out and punch him, sorry that would mean he turned around to look at me. I wasn’t going to be able to win, not against him at least, it was a fact I needed to live with.

Dropping my shoulders I turned and shuffled down the hallway and into my bedroom, “Aderyn where are you-” I slammed the door shut blocking his voice out, I did not want to hear any of the shit he was blathering at me.

My room was cool but not cold, landing on my bed I smiled because underneath the residual heat still clung. I sort of just inch wormed my way underneath and curled up to tired to care anymore. The night classes were up now, and I was not a night class student.

“Aderyn?” I nearly jumped out of my own skin when I felt the bed sink, sitting straight up tossing the nice warm covers away I was met with Saebriel sitting on the edge of my bed watching me.

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