Chapter 52 {Edited}

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I made it to the cabin, luckily the bleeding in my arm had slowed down. I think the wound had actually started to freeze shut. I glanced at the cabin then to the forest, I knew I had so much farther yet to go.


I couldn’t go inside because I couldn’t bear to see the pile of ash, which was all that was left of Herald. So I convinced my frozen limbs to keep running, to run through the forest of tall dark pine trees that went on for what looked like miles in every which direction.


There was no real direction, or that’s what it felt like to be running in these woods. There were three things I was absolutely sick of, One was the pain, Two watching my friends die because of me, and Three the color red. It was everywhere, it stained my mind and my hands.


I bolted through the tree’s slipping and sliding over fallen branches, pot holes, shrubbery, rocks and my own two feet. The snow continued to fall around me, normally I would have stood and watched it drifting down through the dark canopy to land softly and silently around me.


The time I had though, it would come down to the choice of either Saebriel living or me enjoying the outdoors. The choice was simple enough.I caught movement farther up and could just see the flat plain of what could be the lake from my vision.


It would also be the body of water that fed the river, or visa-versa. The closer I got the more damage I noticed around me. Blood sprayed the forest floor, trees were snapped in half or had large bits shattered off. Limbs hung on by a lifeline, and then there was something that made my blood chill. An arm laid infront of me resting in the snow surrounded by what looked like thrash marks imprinted in the snow.


“Saebriel!” I called into the wind, “Bizzy, Mercury, Argon! Please answer me!” I searched for any sign of movement.


Stepping over the arm I continued to run towards the lake, as I came out of the line of tree’s I watched as Saebriel struggled with a man in a long black coat who held that cursed black blade.


“Aderyn?” I jumped at the sound of my name.


Turning to my left I found the twins and Bizzy, or what was left of them. Half of Bizzy’s face and most of his right side was a bloody mess, his one good eye stretched wide at the sight of me. Then I turned and found the twins holding one another as tightly as they could staying close to Bizzy, Mercury seemed to be alright but it was Argon who was in really bad condition. His right arm was gone, and instantly I knew where it was. It had been Argons laying there in the snow surrounded by the damage.


“Oh god! No” I cried running towards them dropping the gun to the ground next to Bizzy.

Mercury dragged himself around towards me, his left leg looked oddly twisted.


“What happened to you?” he hissed reaching out and gently touching my face with his hand.

Tears sprang to my eyes, “Herald and Simon are gone, Sabrinna she killed them.” All of their eyes went wide and shock overtook their faces.

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