Chapter 23 {Edited}

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I sat in my second period math class racing through make up tests, there were only two that I needed to do and they were simple. The rest of the class was doing silent study preparing for exams that were coming up in a few weeks in December.

As long as I kept up with the work for now I would be able to pass the exams, not with flying colours but well enough to keep my grade average above an 80%. Which was all I needed to get into the university Integration program that I was aiming for, if I didn’t get into it then my next semester of Night classes would all be a waste of time.

The bell rang as I finished the last diagram on the linear equations and graphing test, smiling to myself with pride I rose with all the other students and headed to the front of the class to hand in my sheets.

“Thank you.” I murmured bowing my head as I turned away heading out the classroom door for lunch.

A heavy sensation of nausea had been sitting in the bottom of my stomach making me feel woozy all morning. I was waiting for Sabe to pop out from around a corner and scare the crap out of me, but nothing had happened. Half of me was starting to believe he had moved on possibly with Ekaterina and they had all left the school and me behind. But that thought only appealed to half of me, the other half was waiting desperately for him to show up and make things better again if he even could.

Without even really thinking I started across the courtyard towards my apartment at the far end in the corner. I stopped at the fountain realizing what I was doing, fear hammered through my body numbing my limbs making them heavy again.

He stood on the balcony watching the swarms of students empty into the courtyard, his eyes scanning over every head that was there. He hadn’t left, he was still looking and waiting for me to show up. I turned around without looking back I ran back across the courtyard and into the safety of the hallways.

“If running before didn’t help what made you think running now would?” I jumped in surprise a high pitched scream escaping my lips. Spinning around I stared at Sabrinna and her bright green snake eyes, she had her snowy white hair up in a bun today. She looked tired and overall worried.

“I have to go.” I went to walk away and she grabbed my arm her fingers tightening.

“He gave me orders Aderyn, I have to bring you to him upon your return.”

My heart plummeted and my jaw clenched, I was not his slave that would come at his beck and call whenever he felt like it. I didn’t want to see him possibly ever again in my life.

“No, now let me go. I’m not going near him, he can rot in hell for all I care.”

Sabrinnas hand flexed and she pulled me back to face her, “Don’t do this Aderyn, do not make him angry. You need to go and see him, you don’t have a choice.”

“I won’t let you take me to see him, and you can tell him if he tries to come near me at all while I’m here I’ll have him killed.”

Her green eyes stretched wide as shock set in, “What happened?” She whispered stepping closer.

Shaking my head I pulled my arm from her loosening grip, “I forgot what he really was, and now I’m paying the price.” I turned and walked away from her my breath coming in short gasps.

I can’t believe I had talked my way out of that, my life almost flashed before my eyes for a second there. Despite the fact Sabrinna herself meant me no harm and never would it was Saebriel that was causing my near death experiences to happen.

“Aderyn wait.” Sabrinna jogged up on my right, “At least meet with him, talk to him.”

I glanced at her, “Why would I want to meet with him. Did you not hear a word of what I said?”

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