Chapter 35{Edited}

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I dropped my head down to stare my hands, “I’m sorry Saebriel,” Things had almost been normal, “This is all my fault.” It really was, the good and the bad the blame fell to me.

Silence dropped on me like a brick house, “No, it isn’t. Don’t you even dare think that” Saebriel growled flexing his hands, “Damnit you have done nothing wrong Aderyn.”

Bizzy walked into the room flicking his slick black hair off his face revealing bright green eyes, “If Saebriel kills this Vampire, there is a large chance it could kill you” Bizzy looked me straight on watching as the information settled into my head and more tears built in my eyes.

“How big of a chance?” I whispered shock beginning to settle into its rightful place in my body.

Bizzy looked from Saebriel beside me, who looked ready to explode with rage and anger, back to me his eyes dimming in vibrancy.

“We’re almost 90% sure you won’t be able to survive the separation so soon after being connected.” He hissed looking away from me.

Even Herald avoided making eye contact as my death sentence was read to me, I sat staring at nothing on a wall. I really didn’t want to die, not like this anyways.

“I would rather die than be bound to him. If it’s the only way then please do it” I begged dropping my head into my hands.

“There is another way, it’s not easy either but Aderyn, you’ll have a higher chance of surviving. It involves you giving Saebriel everything and trusting him.” His words felt like ten pound weights being wrapped around my throat.

I looked up at him hopeful, despite the weariness I felt about the way he spoke. Or the plain fact that Herald, the same guy who originally just wanted to brutally torture me so he could taste my tears- was now stepping up to help save me. Despite the fact that it was most likely more for Saebriel who looked as fragile as a monstrously powerful ancient Vampire could look.

“I trust Saebriel with my life!” I cried out blinking past tears so I could meet his eyes.

Sabe pushed to his feet laughing bitterly rubbing his jaw roughly, “You say that now. His option involves me forcing my marks back on you. Not only will it be extremely painful and mentally exhausting-”

“I don’t care! Saebriel please, save me”

His eyes darkened and the bitter smile faded away, “I have to also complete the third mark. We share blood.”

My eyes stretched wide, “You have to bite me?” I murmured my loopy mind considering it, the other side if I said no the bald guy showed back up bite me, and finish the marks, I would never see Saebriel again. My options were really crap.

“I won’t traumatize you” he said turning his back to me.

“Do it” The room froze and all eyes turned onto me, “Make me your human servant, please”

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