Chapter 6 {Edited}

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Groggily I sat up in bed moaning at the aches and pains all over my body, I rubbed my eyes drowsily looking around my room. The first rays of dawn making the light greyish pink as it filtered through my curtains, streaming down onto the floor. I frowned looking around, how the hell had I gotten into bed? I pulled my knees up pressing my face into my hands shutting my eyes tightly. Vampires, goddamned Vampires.

“What have I done” I whispered shaking my head.

My bedroom door wheezed as it swung open, I looked up at a perfectly healed Sabrinna her green eyes flamed with a dry anger. She was dressed for school her arms crossed over her chest.

“You goddamned idiot, you sold your soul to Satan, no sorry, Satan would be the lesser of the two evils” She snapped walking into the room.

“You-you-you’re all healed” I stammered looking at her.

She paused in the middle of the room a couple steps from the edge of my flat bed, “I’m a Were-Cobra shit head. I heal about ten times faster than humans” She spat.

I looked down at my arms which had been covered in small bleed flesh cuts last night, this morning my skin was smooth and flawless as it had been before. My hands shot up to cover my lips I shouldn’t have been able to heal those.

“He stayed for about an hour, working with Bizzy to help heal the recent cuts. Some of the bruising to, but your hands will most likely have to heal normally. He said something about that being your punishment for now” She said waving her hand as if she was swatting something away.

I nodded my head running my re-bandaged hands through my tousled hair, “Jesus-murphy, was any of that real?” I asked her.

She nodded her head with a sad smile, “Yeah, all of that was real”

“My entire life, in the course of one night, went to hell didn’t it?” I gave a weak laugh.

Sabrinna nodded her head closing her eyes before moving the rest of the way to the bed sitting down on the edge. Her hand slid across the blankets to find mine.

“Thank you Aderyn for what you did. Even though I’m steaming mad at you, what you did last night took a lot of courage”

I looked at her and grinned, “Or a whole hell of a lot of stupid”

She laughed nodding her head, “Yeah or that” she chuckled.

For a moment my brain froze then the question surfaced, I jumped away from her scrambled off the other side of the bed so it was between us.

“What are you doing in my house!” I shouted.

She rose with liquid grace something I would never be able to do, yes I was jealous of her unnatural grace sue me.

“Saebriel gave me the job of being your protector until he’s prepared something better. I’ll be staying here with you over the next couple days” She bowed to me, the perfect form bend at the waist bow.

I dropped back against the wall sliding down to the floor, “Dear god… He was serious, Sabrinna what do I do?” I looked up at her expectantly.

“You get dressed and go to school and keep him to the back of your mind. Try and enjoy yourself”

“Does that mean he’ll be here when I get back?”

Sabrinna nodded her head closing her eyes, “I’m sorry Aderyn, this isn’t what should have happened” she turned and left quickly not even glancing back at me.

Aunty would kill me, and I wouldn’t blame her. I needed to call her! She had to know, she might have a way out of this some spell that would break this mark. I pushed to my feet running around my bed to the left side where my dark brown bedside table was. My hand hovered over the phone my heart hammering, but if I did he would hurt Sabrinna and me. I was trapped…

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