Sequel and More?!

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So Just in case some readers don't notice, Yes there is a sequel it is entitled Lovely Dead. It is posted with the prologue and teaser bit, there is a time jump between the end of this story and the start of the next so be warned there will be some things going on differently.

I also would love to ask my readers something, as the sequel says Aderyn and Saebriel will be going up against Seven other Vampires and Servants, I may be creative but i thought it would be fun if you guys had a say in them. So if YOU would like to have your vampire and servant (Servant can be any creature except for vampire) In the race against Saebriel and Aderyn then you could send me a PM or leave a comment with all the info I would need (Backstory, Name, Descript, relationship, ETC.) It's just an idea, I have back-ups just in case.

Also just for the readers of this book, I'm currently editing it and may post the edited versions of the chapters once I'm done just because it will hopefully make some more sense  fingers crossed. it is a first edit and I admittedly am rushing it to have it done before I go away for holidays. Also because I'm going to be using a self-publishing website to publish it.

Cool huh ?

:D I'm stoked anyways, I just want to have a hard copy of it for my own enjoyment. There is also an extra special chapter I added at the beginning MUwahahahaha XD Thanks for reading and I hope your all enjoying your summers !!! (PS. This is also why all my updates have been so sluggish, Editing is melting my brain :3)

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