Chapter 41{Edited}

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Somehow we always ended up in this situation where I was sitting on the couch watching mindless reruns on TV while he diddled around on my kitchen. I had just made the biggest goddamned confession of my life and now he was avoiding me again, last night couldn’t have turned out worse… well I could have farted or burped or hell even fainted after I said it. I could feel Saebriel pushing on my mind trying to break through my little bubble to look in on my thoughts. Being the stubborn little girl I am, I’ve pretty much turned that into a mental shield and so far it hasn’t failed me once.


The thing that really burned me was more so the fact that I had woken up alone, he never let me wake up alone. I dropped my head into my hands biting back a frustrated groan, for once I couldn’t have bit my tongue and stayed stubborn. Sitting in my house with him wasn’t helping either, it was only noon so the others wouldn’t be able to come out and hide me. Fine, two could play at this being cold and distant crap.

I turned the TV off and rose to my feet stretching my arms above my head, I needed a work out. Hopefully they had the gym open without Sabrinna there anymore. Walking around the couch I passed the kitchen without even glancing at him, the more I thought about the current situation the more pissed off I got the more sure I could do this ignoring Saebriel thing became.


I emerged from the bedroom dressed in small black shorts and a matching work out tank top, He was leaning in the doorway to the kitchen his hands tucked into his pants pockets and his head straight ahead watching me with curious eyes. My hand tightened on the bag and I marched right past him even avoiding his hand that reached out to grab my arm. His growl echoed through the air shaking my legs, alright so I was pissing him off. Great just what I needed now.


“I’ll be back.” I snapped pulling the front door open, “And don’t you even think of following me. I need alone time.” Without meaning to I slammed the front door wincing as it echoed in the air over the campus.

I groaned internally I didn’t need this to be dramatic, Goddamnit nothing I did worked! The walk across the courtyard was at a brisk pace, I didn’t know if he would follow or actually listen to me for once in his life. I stepped into the gym and a chill ran up my spine. It was dead silent and nobody was at the front desk.


“Hello?” I called out hoping they had just stepped out to clean up a mess or something.


I heard the creak of the mop bucket and sighed somebody was here just cleaning. It was probably Cole, he normally cleaned with headphones in and forgets to lock the front door. I tapped my card and moved through the metal prongs that they had in subways. It made a clinking sound and then locked behind me, I hadn’t been to the gym in ages it felt almost strange to be moving through it again. I head down the only stairwell, it led into the change rooms and lockers.


I turned left into the woman’s change room, the creaking of the mop bucket repeated and that chill ran up my spine. Moving quietly through the rows of lockers I stepped onto the white porcelain tiles of the shower room. I could see the corner of the bucket at the far end, it was the open shower area where you had no privacy.


“Cole?” I shouted, the bucket skipped over a broken tile and tipped over sloshing rusty colored water all over the ground.

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