Chapter 46 {Edited}

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*Just heads up, the picture that should be on the right is what Aderyn's ring looks like :D I love it, hopefully you will to!! There may also be a double update this weekend ;) Also the song pretty much sums up how Aderyn feels for him Listen to it!!!!!! Seriously its almost creepy how well it fits. Enjoy!

I couldn’t breathe, everything around me seemed to continue going on but my entire body had frozen. Saebriel knelt infront of me waiting with frightened shifting eyes, searching for a response. What was I supposed to say! My mind was reeling, literally the one thing I had wanted my entire life was sitting right here infront of me. He wanted me now and forever or as long as this could go. I dragged in a trembling breathe as my eyes became blurred with tears.


The image of him kneeling there in front of me became watery at best and only the most basic definitions were visibly through the wall of tears. His bright glowing Sea-green eyes with that light blue tint that made them feel like a summer afternoon down at the beach, his pale ashen skin, the soft dark hair that lay in soft locks around his face adding definition to the shadows under his cheek bones.


The age resonated from him like a subsonic sound wave that rattled in your bones making you feel the years he’d seen. The soft crisp scent of freshly melted ice had become more comforting a smell to me than anything else in the world, even if it was strongest when he was pissed with me.


“Legally can I even say yes?” I whispered with a weak smile.

He returned it and looked down at his hand, “Tomorrow night you’ll be eighteen Rin, besides I’ve already asked your Aunts permission.” He lifted a little black velvet box up and slowly opened the lid, a dark blue sapphire about as round in diameter as my pinkie was thick.


It was held in place by four silver or white gold prongs that stretched up from the band making a nice basket while keeping the sides open, the Sapphire from the top view was unobstructed only with four little dots securing it down.


Halfway down the band on either side were encrusted with small diamonds, as well on either side of the sapphire were two apple seed sized diamonds. But it was the deep shimmering sapphire that drew most of my attention, the blue was so pure and when the light from the fire struck it just right a twinkle of what looked to be a star shone through. For the second time I could feel my heart stop, this so was not healthy he had to stop this.


“Saebriel” my voice was hushed and barely broke a whisper.


“I’m going to ask again. Aderyn Taun will you be my wife?” he repeated holding the ring up to me.


I looked from the amazing heart stopping ring(That had to have cost a large fortune), to his eyes all but pleading me to say something- other than a smart ass remark. Which if he weren’t proposing to me and had just been joking around I would have given him, but he was deadly serious.


“Yes.” Excitement filled me as I said it, suddenly the fear left entirely as adrenaline pumped like poison through my veins jumpstarting my poor heart. His eyes went wide with shock as if he was expecting me to say no. “Yes-Yes-Yes!” I said launching at him.

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