Chapter 26 {Edited}

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The hallway was empty again, like it always was. My footsteps echoed down the corridor, all the doors were shut and presumably locked. The air felt tense, it was heavy and painful. I could feel the anguish and fear emanating from the door down the hallway that I was being led to. Mercury and Argon stopped outside of a classroom door the same one I had always met Sabe in, inside I could hear screams and the sound of metal slapping skin.

That shouldn’t have been possible, these doors were designed to at least muffle sounds from inside and out, I shouldn’t be able to hear a damn thing. I pulled the doors open walking into the room glad that I had changed into black skinnies and my baggy black blouse, the blouse had oddly enough been Saebriels. I felt like a grim reaper as I marched into the classroom dragging my rage and shock with me like a dark cloud.

I matched the rest of the people seated in the classroom, Saebriel stood at the front of the room with a male student on his knees his back torn to a bloody mess. Lycans, Were-wolves, Vampires, creatures sat sparsely in the room. They all looked terrified and repulsed by what they were seeing yet none moved. Nobody noticed my entrance, which was sort of expected. I was an ultimate nobody after all. Saebriel raised a silver chain into the air, I ran forward and used my arm to block it.

The chain wrapped around my arm nearly crushing it under the power of his whip. The man on the floor whimpered and began to sob, the tear marks on his back smoked like they were burning, he was either a Were-wolf or a vampire. But judging from the mark crescent moon mark on his chest I would bet on Were-wolf.

Saebriels eyes glared down on me dropping all his rage onto my shoulders, there was a spark in his eyes though like there was a wire loose. His cheeks looked sunken and there was gloomy shadow slouching his normally regal posture. He looked depressed, like a guy who had just been dumped by the woman of his dreams. As much as he was a vampire Saebriel seemed really human. Didn’t negat the fact that I was still pissed at him.

“The fuck is wrong with you” I snarled at Saebriel.

His arm bunched as the muscles flexed in a show of strength, I was betting on him still not wanting to hurt me, to keep me safe. When he saw I wasn’t impressed or intimidated by his little show of brawns he snarled going for something he thought still scared me, flashing fang.

“Get out of here” He snapped at me.

I shook my head and stepped closer, “Torturing? Seriously? What is going through your head”

He stepped closer to me until we were inches apart, I wrapped the chain around my hand feeling my fingers tighten on the blood wet metal. He glared down at me, if I was a supernatural creature he wouldn’t even hesitate to kill me in the state he was in. I thought I was handling this badly, he had completely fallen off the deep end.

Underneath my rage and fear I was touched that I affected him this badly, I don’t think anybody had ever cared so much in such a disturbing and scary way. Only fucking vampires could get away with this shit, watching girls sleep, sucking blood, murder, torture, insanity only with them was it ok.

“Piss off, I don’t need you to hold my fu-” I punched him in the face with my chain wrapped fist, the people gathered gasped simultaneously as he stumbled backwards using the teacher’s desk for support.

Grinding my teeth together I glared down at him for a change, the idea of him hurting one of his friends one of the people he would die to protect was just repulsive. The fear dissipated as the anger flowed in, I was pissed and he was going to find out why I kept myself secluded from people. When I was angry, I was unstoppable.

“You don’t do this Saebriel! You don’t torture people, you may not be a good guy, but you aren’t evil.” I shouted at him tossing the chain away, “This is repulsive, and disgusting. You are being such a whiny little bitch by taking our issues out on the people that care about you.” I shouted shaking my head.

“Don’t talk about me like you know me.”

I scoffed and rolled my eyes at him, “Oh yeah sure. It’s not like I’ve been held prisoner in your life for what almost a month or so now?” A chilling wind swept around the room and I had a strike of Deja-vu, me yelling at Saebriel because he’s a freaking weirdo and did something irrefutably stupid. Yeah sounded a lot like how we met.

“A month is a blink for me, it’s nothing. Now leave before I decide to drain you.” He huffed looking away.

“You are so full of yourself, its frustrating trying to actually talk with you. Instead of coming to me and asking me why I was on a ‘date’ with Kaden you jumped to conclusions that I would actually consider dating that sleazy bottom dwelling crustacean.”

He spun on me snarling angrily waving a finger at me, “You should have called to at least let me know where you were.”

Rolling my eyes I shifted my weight to the right, “If I did you would have ordered me not to, and I had to go. It was a school assignment to make up for the work I missed. I had to write an essay on the pro’s and cons of an average teenage date and the social aspect of it.” His eyebrows furrowed obviously he didn’t understand. I didn’t blame him it was a pretty complex in retrospect.

“I would have ordered you not to, what a ridiculous assignment.” He snorted looking away.

I shook my head rubbing my forehead, “You know what, this,” I waved to the classroom then to the air between us, “is stupid. Instead of coming to me and talking to me Saebriel, you attacked an innocent girl and killed her. Then I hear from Mercury and Argon your torturing, torturing your friends even! Where the hell is Saebriel Cashel?” 

He moved with his speed appearing before me in seconds his fangs barred, his eyes lit with anger and violence, he wanted blood. We would not loop, this was ending I was ending it. I grabbed the sides of his face pulling his face down to my level and- I kissed him. The tension that had roiled in his body began to melt away, when I leaned back he was nearly back to his old self.

“You don’t torture Sabe, that is not who you are. You’re snappish, you hate the smell of bacon, you love the show Supernatural, you have to sleep facing the door.” I said rubbing my thumb over his right cheek.

“Shut up Aderyn” He hissed shaking his head.

“No! You will listen to me Saebriel” I shouted holding on tightly to his face, “you scared Argon and Mercury, you’re scaring the people here. You’re scaring me, I just finished being afraid of you.” I admitted realizing that about ten minutes ago I had been on the verge of storming over here to get him, to think I would have walked in on this.

“You ran away!” His voice trembled like a humans would, but the rage was still roaring in full gear.

“I watched you bite and kill somebody! Do you know how traumatic that is for a human to witness, it made it ten times worse because I saw you, I knew it was you. But I miss you more than I could ever be afraid, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about the project, if I had known it would affect you like this…” I whimpered dropping my head in against his chest, my ferocity was dying down as the sober pain came back. The empty apartment, the lonely lunches, the quiet nights they were torturous. He had full on Stockholm’ed me, and I was completely ok with it.

I felt his breath as he inhaled sharply, “Rin, Forgive me”

“Don’t you ever torture anybody every again, not as long as I’m alive.” I pleaded my hand tightening on his shirt, “I can’t stand the idea of you hurting somebody.”

Slowly his arms wrapped around my shoulders and he pulled me in flush against him, the room fell into silence as Saebriel struggled to calm himself down. I could feel him fighting back the rage he had hidden inside, for his act of cool and calm he had one hell of a fire burning in him.

“I have never felt so weak.” He hissed his hands flexing against my back, “I’m sorry Rin.”

He apologized for what I couldn’t tell, and I didn’t want to ask because then he may deny it. I had the power in this relationship when I decided to leave and not come back, he would be back to being just like this. Personally I never wanted to see him like this again, it was cold, distant, and frightening. The bloodlust in his eyes sent chills through my body.

“You are such an asshole.” I grumbled.

I really was trapped with Saebriel, leaving wasn’t an option if he disintegrated into this state. I wouldn’t be held responsible for anybody’s death because I chose to run away.

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