Chapter 12 {Edited}

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The early morning seemed to linger, like the sun didn’t want to rise. Argon had moved to the room they had broken into, the one I had yet to see in all the commotion. Now I just had to sit in my room waiting to be told something, anything really.

I would kill to have Saebriel waltz into the room and bark some retarded order at me. I just wanted somebody to interact with me… It felt strange but I hadn’t really been left alone since Saebriel said he owned me. Wow… I was so warped it wasn’t funny.

I looked at my bedroom door and scowled, why was I sitting here? It was my apartment dorm, living area, Damnit I could come and go as I please. I pushed to my feet and marched over to the door pulling it open, I blinked at the broad chest I was met with instead of the hallway. Slowly I looked up at Heralds darkly familiar face. I grimaced again, or maybe I couldn’t go as I pleased…

“Where do you think you’re going?” he asked tilting his head to the right.

“To my living room then maybe to the kitchen, then back to the living room” I said mimicking him and his tilted head.

His jaw twitched and he straightened instantly, “You irritate me” He hissed.

“Feelings mutual buddy” I muttered rolling my eyes.

He leaned down until his face was inches from mine, “When Saebriel grows bored of you, when he’s gotten everything out of you that he possibly can get. Then you’ll be mine and you’ll wish you had never been born”

I sputtered with laughter, “Sorry you’re a little late for that, I already wish I had never been born” I snickered shaking my head.

He grabbed my wrist in a crushing grip, I opened my mouth in a silent cry bending over as he twisted my arm. Slowly I dropped down onto my knee’s fighting painful tears, Goddamnit. What was with this guy!

“Herald” Saebriels voice seemed to echo down the hallway into my room, “Did I not say you aren’t to hurt her”

His hand released my arm and he stepped back from the door, “I was provoked, she wants to be hurt-”

“Quiet, go and rest, the sun will be rising soon. I will stay and watch Aderyn” He moved forward until I could see him.

Herald nodded and turned on his heel marching around Saebriel heading to the secret room I had never seen or even known about. I stared after him with a small sensation of shock, wow he was like trained dog. He barked when told to and he could even yield when told to. Fascinating really, who knew Vampires were so much like dogs.

“Are you alright?” Saebriel had turned to look down at me.

I pushed to my feet nodding my head quickly, “Fine, I’m fine” I said quickly.

He turned and looked down the hallway after Herald, “I apologize for his behavior. It is less than companionable” Saebriel sighed shaking his head.

“Well that’s just who he is, it can’t be helped” I murmured massaging my sore wrist.

“Anyways, what did you want from out here?” he asked dropping cold eyes onto me, back to square one I see…

I scowled remembering my earlier determination, “Hey this is my house, I think I should be allowed to move around inside as I want at least” I hissed.

“To a ‘T’ Aderyn, you said to a ‘T’. I am telling you not to leave your bedroom”

“So I’m grounded? Why, what did I do?”

He moved into the doorway blocking it, “No questioning me” He snapped.

“I’m bored, and hungry. I just wanted to make some popcorn and watch a movie in the living room. Would it be alright if I did that at least?” I asked him defeated.

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