Chapter 24 {Edited}

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When I got to Rilla’s house I ran into the guest bedroom barricaded myself then curled beneath the comfy quilt blankets. My body shook with each breath robbing sob that escaped my lips. He was cruel and I wanted so badly to hate him with all my soul, but I couldn’t and that’s what made me the most upset.

I cried because of the fear, the pain, and the fact that I cared about him. He had scared me so badly that I had forgotten everything I knew about Saebriel Cashel and he was just a monster. The contrast between his eyes from then and before was dramatic, the way his face was set, the air around him. Everything about him had become ferocious.

The tears wouldn’t stop, they were breath robbing body wracking sobs that made everything ach. I didn’t want to be afraid of Sabe, but it was the human response. Right? To be afraid of monsters, to run and hide when they threatened you?        

I ended up crying myself to sleep underneath the quilt, hidden in darkness and sinking thoughts of Saebriel. Once more he haunted my dreams but not in a bad way. I dreamt of watching movies with him, and going to the lake. I dreamt of holding his hand, and kissing him…

The next morning I was woken up by the irritating ring of my newly repaired cellphone. Half asleep my hand slipped out from underneath the shelter of my quilt slapping along the bed for the familiar feel of the phone, stretching farther out I located it on the bedside table grabbing it triumphantly I pulled it underneath the dome of blankets and flipped the lid open.

“Hello?” I whispered rubbing my tired eyes, slowly emerging from underneath the heavy quilt feeling the cooler brush of air against my sweaty skin.

Who would be calling me this early in the god forsaken morning, it being six-thirty in the morning and all. Only two people came to mind, Sabe and Rilla and seeing as how I was living with the latter she would have no reason to be calling me. As soon as the thought occurred to me that it was probably Saebriel my heart rate spiked and my mouth went dry, Saebriel called me.

“The apartment is cleared of us, Saebriel wanted me to call and tell you it’s safe for you to come back now. We won’t be bothering you anymore.” Sabrinna hung up before I could respond, my heart dropped.

Lowering the phone from my ear I stared at the black screen, it was really happening… Saebriel was leaving my life for good? I dropped my phone onto the bed running my hands through my hair fighting more tears, I should feel happy. I should be jumping off the walls with excitement to go back to the way things were. So why wasn’t I? Why did my chest ache even more knowing he was gone.

Rising to my feet I moved around the guest room getting dressed and packing up what little I had with me into my bag. I was going home, an empty house just the way it should have been in the first place. As I walked out closing the door behind me I could hear Aunt Rilla downstairs in the kitchen making coffee. As I made my way down the stairs I could smell the aroma swirling around me. She turned to look at me her curly hair up in a bun pulling her face tight, no doubt she was meeting a client today.

“Morning sunshine, ready to go to school?” She asked in her regularly cheery voice.

I nodded my head shuffling like a zombie, I had fought for weeks on end to get him out to no avail. I had nearly died in attempts to make him leave, why would he leave now? That stupid voice in the back of my head that convinced me to track him down before fired off question after question demanding I find out why he suddenly decided to back off. Why now, if it was because I was scared then he should have left long before now. There wasn’t any change really in our relationship, why did he leave!

Aunt Rilla looked up from making her travel mug of coffee “Hey what’s up? You look bummed.” That’s right I hadn’t told her about last night.

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