Chapter 2 {Edited}

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I woke in a cold sweat my heart hammering in my chest, not fear though, I wasn’t scared it was a different kind of adrenaline. I was haunted by a pair of eyes and a name, watching me as I slept fitfully. Why? Because I’m an obsessive weirdo who has no life, obviously… I groaned dropping my head forward into my hands pulling my knee’s against my chest ignoring the flaring pain from the burn on my chest.

Frustrated tears built in my eyes, why? This was the second night that I had been haunted by those eyes and that name waking in a cold heart stuttering sweat. Only then to find out that the room was empty except for me. I had to go to school tomorrow, I didn’t want to be dead tired again.

I let out a heavy breath swinging my legs over the edge of the bed and rising to my feet letting the blanket fall to the floor leaving the sleep corset and my little black panties exposed. I suddenly felt strange standing in my own bedroom in such little clothing. It was like now even when I was awake those damned eyes were watching me.

I scrambled to my dresser yanking the top drawer open grabbing my grey tank top and matching grey shorts. In five minutes I was clean and dressed for a work out, my gym bag was set by the front door waiting for me. I paused at the front door turning to face my empty apartment and shouted out at the silence. “Going out!”

I turned to open the front door and felt my blood chill. Why? Why had I done that! My jaw clenched and I pulled the door open pushing out into the cool 5 am morning air. I let out a heavy breath looking out at the foggy courtyard, my breath clouded in front of me as I jogged down the cement steps.

I swung the bag onto my back and jogged out across the slippery grass my sneakers sliding treacherously as I moved through the thick fog that always enclosed the school this early in the morning.

The gym was part of the main building of the University it was just across from my dorm room, so I made it there within three minutes give or take. The doors swung open and I walked through swiping my student card on the red light signing in.

As usual the front desk was empty this early, Sabrinna would come in around the time that I would be leaving to go back to my dorm. She usually was very late, but she was the sweetest girl I knew. She was also a Were-cobra, albino to be exact. She was pale skinned with white shimmering hair that fell to her waist with dark green eyes and the weird vertical iris. She was pretty though and I had seen her take down 3-4 hundred pound men without breaking a sweat.

I walked up the main staircase heading to upper level where the heavy bag, treadmill and main work out stations were. I moved straight to the hanging black heavy bag that was worn around the middle from people hitting it repeatedly. I dropped my bag to the floor not even taking the time to properly wrap my hands, I was in desperate need to blow off steam. I set to work on pummeling the heavy bag, the first punch sent it spinning and swinging a little. I spun around bringing my heel into the swinging bag making it rock back and forth coming straight into my elbow.

I repeated this painful motion until I lost feeling in my legs and arms. My knuckles were split and I had rug burn from the bag on my legs and forearms. Stepping away from the rocking heavy bag I gasped for breath as sweat dripped down my face.

I could feel somebody watching me, trying not to draw attention I stood up straight rolling my shoulders. Those eyes watching me, I cursed under my breath pulling my fist back and slamming it in against the bag feeling more aches and pains ripple up my arm. The chain creaked on the ceiling hook and it slammed against the wall.

Grabbing my gym bag I turned around to see a woman leaning against one of the treadmills her hair billowed out around her face coming down to her ankles in warm rolling blonde curls. Her face was plump and round with two bright blue gems for eyes, a small beauty mark underneath her left eye. She looked like a life sized doll dressed in the schools uniform.

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