Chapter 22 {Edited}

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It had been four days since I had run from the school, Rilla called in the first day and explained to the headmaster what was going on and had the teachers mail me work to do. I was staying in her guest bedroom in her cute little house that was about half an hour away from the school.

It had been nice to get away from it all and know he couldn’t get to me here. My head was in pain and my body trembled like I was always freezing but I felt as though I was overheating, I hadn’t been able to keep much food down, mostly liquids.

Rilla said it was withdrawal.

For the past three days I had stayed huddled on her couch in her living room staring mindlessly at the TV watching happy cartoon worlds flash by in bright obnoxious colour. The phone hadn’t rung once, my cell phone on the other hand had gone nuts the morning after I had run.

It now lay at the bottom of the tub that was filled with water. I refused to touch it or even go near it. If I acknowledged him then everything would crumble around me, I didn’t want him to tell me the truth to tell me he killed that poor woman. Just thinking about it made my chest ache.

“Aderyn you have to go back sometime.” Rilla sighed walking into the room with two mugs of tea in hand.

She sat down next to me handing one of the cups over as she sipped from the other. Shakily I took the mug in my hands and shook my head, my dreams had been racked full of images of fangs, blood, pain, and his eyes. I wish I had never seen that, that I had never seen him feeding and I could have gone on content with being a pain in his ass.

“I’d rather not.” I murmured over the rim of the mug.

She huffed and set the mug down on the coffee table in front of us, “Aderyn, you’re like my daughter. I hate the fact that this happened but you want to work with integrating the Supernatural into the real world right?” She asked rubbing my back soothingly.

I nodded my head slowly, “New vampires, and things. I never want to go near something like Saebriel.” I shuddered.

That girl could have been… it would have been too.

“Do you know why I refused to remove your memories of him?” She asked sitting back a little.

I glanced at her my interest peaked, I had come to her in hysterical tears begging and pleading for the memories to be taken away. To start new with her here away from Saebriel, I didn’t want to become his chew toy and that’s exactly what he wanted me to become. I understood that now, there wasn’t anything more to him than just animal instinct to hunt his prey and toy with it. I was his prey and he had done one hell of a job of toying with me.

“No,” I murmured setting my half empty mug down, “I don’t.”

“Because he’s marked you honey, that’s a very powerful magic that even I can’t break. Removing him from your mind would most likely kill you.” She said reaching out to touch my face, “You have to face him, Aderyn this fever and the shaking is caused from being out of touch with him. Your body needs him.”

Damn him, damn him to hell I didn’t want to depend on him. What about after school I wanted to live my life without him… I hadn’t really thought about how this would change my future though, Saebriel was here and he planned on staying. Still picturing him living a mundane life like I wanted just didn’t sit well in my head.

“I don’t want to see him, ever again.” I said stubbornly.

She sighed dropping her head forward again, “This is not the girl I know, you’re going to class today. I’m driving you in and you are going to deal with it.”

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