Chapter 38{Edited}

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I sat curled in the corner of my L couch watching TV again, Caprilla was in the bathroom tidying herself up from her tantrum earlier. Saebriel was now in my kitchen with Cody and a few others from the pack discussing a threat. My mind kept going over everything that Caprilla had told me, about the Brides and Sabe… it was just so much to actually take in and I felt like I was drowning in information.

“Is she alright?” Cody asked.

“She’s been through a lot in the past twenty-four hours” Saebriel sighed, he actually sounded sympathetic for me.

Argon and Mercury sat on either end of the couch staring at the TV, they were there to make sure I didn’t somehow get hurt by watching TV. I would have felt better if they were laying in my lap. ‘All you have to do is ask them Rin’Saebriels voice echoed in my head making me gasp.

I turned to look at him, his back was turned to me as he continued on a conversation with Cody. Was that the mind thing? Slowly I sat back into my corner and shook my head, that actually had hurt a little bit. I decided to try and say something back to hopefully dispel my sensation of insanity. ‘What does Cody want?’ I waited for a few minutes and then heard Saebriel clear his throat.

Your right that does hurt.’ his voice hissed through my head.

I smiled pressing my hands over my mouth, ‘This is easier than I thought’

He chuckled out loud obviously out of reason because Cody coughed and began to pace. I shifted to the edge of the couch and leaned around to look at them watching Cody stalk back and forth glaring at Saebriel. I inhaled deeply and went to stand up.

Sit your ass back down on that couch and don’t even think of sticking your nose in this.’ He growled and instantly I sat back down curling back into the corner.

“Argon.” I whispered looking over to him sitting near the entrance to my living room, “Could you get me some water please.” He paused for a few moments then grinned wide.

“Of course.” He rose and quickly slipped into the kitchen moving around them like a dancer.

I jumped as Mercury laid his head in my lap curling up into a tiny little ball, A smile lit his face as he watched me slowly register what he had done. I ran my hand through his hair tentatively feeling the softness of it before I smiled back at him. Saebriel, the things he did for me. A clear glass of cold water was handed to me and I looked up at Argon, he handed me the glass.

“Thank you.” I whispered taking the glass from him.

He dropped down onto the couch and curled up with his head in my lap along with his brothers. Their cool body’s cooling mine down, I knew I was running a fever, the marks were probably the cause of it. Hell I felt like shit, I wasn’t going to lie to myself. I didn’t expect to feel like a million bucks but honest to god I felt like somebody had run me over with a semi.

“What the fuck do you mean you won’t help! This thing killed your fledgling! He fucking exploded over half my pack!” Cody all but screamed at Saebriel.

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