Chapter 44 {Edited}

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I piled into the large black ford with Saebriel in the back seat with me while Simon drove. I didn’t even know he could drive, so I was a little worried when he slid into the driver seat and started the car up. Saebriel didn’t seemed to pay any mind to my small freak out next to him.


The back was loaded with my bags and a few other soft bags along with a few coolers of food. But to my knowledge most of everything else was being transported along with the Vampcicles in the large white truck that pulled out behind us as we began to move away from the school leaving behind all of our current issues. At least that’s what I was hoping to get out of this, some time away from the weirdo magic crap in my life and the crazy vamps trying to take me literally and bite me.


Saebriel wrapped his hand around mind as he stared out the window losing himself in the wintery darkness that flew past us as we raced through the small town, past the café where we had shared our own little admittance of liking one another past the pack house watching wolves race by the darkness their ruby eyes glistening in the dark of the tree’s.

The moon sat high in the sky as we finally pulled out onto the highway turning right around and heading north towards the looming monsters of mountains that even from down in the school yard you could hear the wind moan through the deep valleys and cut across the rocks. I loved having it as a backdrop to my school it made everything seem far more interesting in retrospect.


“Are you excited Rin?” Saebriel asked breaking the awkward silence barrier.

I blinked a couple times breaking my eyes away from the snow covered treetops and deep dark forests that raced past outside the car window.


“Hm?” I hummed looking at him.

He chuckled shaking his head, “You look tired, get some rest.” He said nodding back to the window.

I glanced back and then to him, “I’m not tired though.” I was lying but I didn’t want to fall asleep and miss seeing where we were heading.

Unlike most people I liked knowing what I was walking into despite mypast actions, they had taught me to enjoy knowing things in advance.


“You cannot lie to me, lay your head down and rest for a while. I will wake you before we arrive.” He assured lifting my hand up and kissing my knuckles.


“Don’t tell me what to do.” I muttered looking back out the window watching the tree’s blur by.


I felt his hand wrap around my arm and with a light tug I fell over into his lap, the seatbelt pressed against the side of my neck making me choke a little before he moved it leaving only the one across my lap alone. He was being pushy again, I didn’t like it.


“I’ll tell you what to do until the world ends Aderyn.” He grumbled looking out the window.

I pushed his arms off of me and sat up fixing the seatbelt so it was on properly, “I’ll sleep when we get to wherever we’re going.”

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