~Chapter Eight~

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Andi P.O.V.




What? I heard someone calling my name. But I haven't heard that voice before. So I open my eyes slowly then I saw.......Eiji. He's face is so close. I clearly look away from him.

He's way to close!!

"I'm done packing......we can go now."

Huh? Ohh.....yeah I remember he's packed my stuffs while I take a rest. I sit up and fix my hair into pony tail.

"Ready?" He asked. "Uh...yeah." I stood up from the bed and I fixed the sheets to its normal look. Then I went to my luggage and to picked up....but I notice that Eiji is carrying my luggage.

"Oh......I can carry that." I said. "Nope....this is heavy plus you. Can't carry heavy stuffs." He said "why?" "Because your pregnant." He said.

So what if I am pregnant. My belly is still small you know.

"Let's go.....and tell me where you going." He said then he started to leave the room.

Hmm.....he really is different to Eisuke. You know what let's just go to Shaili than going to a Hotel.....wait.....Shaili is on a vacation in Hawaii. I can't just break into her house. She might get mad at me.

I should stay at Yamato's place. I'll just ask Angie if it's okay. I picked up my phone from my pocket. To call Angie.

I hope she's awake.... Because California's time is different from here.

*Ring Ring*

Phone Convo

Angie: Hello?
Andi: hey it's me....
Angie: oh hey what's up.
Andi: well good....I was just wondering if it's okay if I can stay at your place.
Angie: Me and Yamato's place? Why? Is Eisuke on a business trip or something?
Andi: uh.....well......it's just.....I went to the hospital today. And I just had a result that I'm positively pregnant and... Eisuke had an-......
Angie: wait?! Did you say your pregnant!!??
Andi: uh ...... I
Angie: you are kidding me!!! MOM!! ANDI IS PREGNANT!!!
Andi:Uh....Angie please listen to me!! The reason why I'm asking if it's okay to stay because Eisuke had an accident and he has amnesia now and he forgets about me!!
Angie:.......he did what?!
Angie: okay you can stay I'll be back next week..... Don't tell yammy.
Andi: I won't tell.
Angie: okay.....oh by the way don't do anything that can cause miscarriage and don't you ever do something erotic to Yamato!

End Of phone Convo.

Ahhhh.......There's nothing going bad to  happen at Yamato's place. I should follow Eiji now.


Angie P.O.V.

That Asshole!! He forgets about my Sister!! Ohh!!! He's going to regret from all he's going to say anything bad to Andi!!

But before that.....I should tell Alexa and Aly about the news.

I picked up my iPad to have a FaceTime with Alexa....Aly should be with her.

10 seconds later Alexa answers. Finally good thing Aly is there.

"Well.....what's up." Alexa said while Aly is yawning. "Pretty good but before you say anything.....ANDI IS PREGNANT!!"

When I told them about the news I saw Alexa spills her juice on her shirt while you can see Aly with. Surprise look.

"You're kidding right!!" Aly said. "No I'm not!!" I said. Then they starting to go crazy yelling. "Better Contact Eisuke about this." Alexa said.

"Actually.....Eisuke has amnesia." I said then Alexa look back to the screen with a mad look.

"You're kidding me right!!! AAARHHHHHH!!! This is going to be hard!!" Alexa said. "What shall we do?" Aly asked. "Easy make him remember again." Alexa said "Do you think making someone remember again from their amnesia is Easy? Remember Uncle Jake......he recovers after 1 year from he's amnesia."

"But still it depends.....because its hard for making someone remember especially to the person who he's close friend or love ones." I said. "Even though Im so excited for the baby. Im kinda bit worried what will happen next when Eisuke still wont remember."

Hmm....We have no choice but to wait for he's recovery because there is no exact time when will he remember again. I hope Andi can take care of herself especially she's carrying a baby.

-:To be Continue:-

Amnesia ~Sequel to Give Your Heart a Break~Where stories live. Discover now