~Chapter Twenty Six~

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Eisuke P.O.V.

After Ichigo and I talk alone. He took me to the Kunian so I can talk to Andi's mom. When we got there I saw Yamato's friend's and Andi's sisters and her mom. When They all look at me they were shock to see me.

"Eisuke.....what are you doing here?" Yamato Comes closer to me. "Did you remember now?" Angie follows by and asked me but I shake my head. "Well then mister asshole what are you doing here?" Alexa said with a stern look on her face.

"Alexa....." Then their mother Stop Alexa before she can come closer to me to hit me or slap me. Then their mom look at me. "Do you need something Eisuke?" She asked politely. I should be the one who acts polite.

I look at her nodded. "Then if you need something come here." She said. I follow her and he took me to a private room. Then she looks at the door gesturing for me to close it.

When I close the door I look back to her and gestures again and telling me to sit down across from her. When I sit down I look at her.

"What do you want?" She Asked "I was wondering about Andi's childhood." I said. "Andi has many memories in her childhood Eisuke......you can ask anything about it. What kind of a childhood memory do you wanna know about her?"

"About the time that she was in London and met a boy there." I said. Then she turns quiet. Did I say something wrong about it?

"You do forgot about it to then......" She said. Forgot about what? "You didn't remember that you two met before there at the park." Huh? "Did I really met her before when we meet each other at the hotel." Then ...... She nodded. I want to know about it. "Can you tell me about it?" I asked. Then she gave me a smile and nodded.

*Knock Knock*

Then we heard the door open. I turn around and saw Yamato enter the room with a tea and a cup of coffee. He place the tea in front of Mrs. Williams while he puts the coffee in front of me then he also put a plate full of cookies. "Kuni told me to prepare some cookies and some drinks for the two you. If you need anything you can call us will be outside." He said and leaves the room.

When he left the room then it turn back to normal. Then I notice Mrs. Williams drink her tea then when she put down the teacup she started to explain for what had happened.

"Well The reason why Andi is in London is that because we're celebrating a family reunion there in London. One day her father and sister including James went to the park to play because they were bored. So they went to the park. When they got to the park Andi started to run to look for some flowers. Then sudd sky she bump into you there. She hurt her knee then you help her treat it. Then she keeps asking you a lot of questions but I think you still answer her questions to you. Then later on when it's time to go. You gave her a ring. Until now she's wearing it. Then you two promise each other to see someday. Then you two meet at the hotel again but.....you gave her a scary impression at first then later on you two become together and love each other......but.....I didn't expect that you will have an amnesia and you forgot about her. She was so hurt and didn't know what to do but she still remain strong and stay by your side. But your brother Eiji always force her to take a rest but she doesn't want t. Because she wants you to remember back. But still you didn't even remember.....and it's been 7 months. She can't wait any longer. And she always wish that someday you'll remember before she gave birth to you child. ....... Now you know about what happen from your first past with her in London.....I hope it helps you to remember." She said.

When she told me about Andi's childhood still I didn't remember. Except the ring. I look at Mrs. Williams and shake my head then I look down. "It's okay Eisuke maybe someday you'll remember." She said and drinks the tea. "Shall we go out now......maybe you can stay for awhile." She said. I look up to her and nodded and accept her invitation.

When we left the room I saw everyone all gather up. Good thing she's not here. Then Mrs. Williams and I walk towards the group and sits down with them.

"Well.....did it work?" Yuzuki asked. Then I saw Mrs. Williams shake her head. Then I can saw there expression turn pale. "Nah.....it's okay....well let's just be happy that Eisuke is here didn't do any scene here." Yuta said "yeah.....lets just drink." Saeki added. Then everyone started to drink some beer and some red wine. Then I notice Kuni puts a wine glass in front of me and pours a Champagne. "I know Eisuke.....Don't worry we have some champagne here too you know." He said then I smile and nodded. "Thank you." I said then I drink the champagne.

I took 5 mins later when we heard the door opens. "ANDI!! You made it and.....wait why does he look like Eisuke?" I heard Yuta said. I turn around and saw Andi and Eiji came. What are they doing here? Then J notice Eiji grabs Andi's hand while Andi didn't hold it back.

"Eisuke can I talk to you for a sec?" Yamato said. I look at Yamato and nodded. I think he notice me that I'm not comfortable.

Yamato and stood up then he gestures me that were going out. Then I nodded. "See ya later you two." I heard Alexa said. Then I nodded then Yamato and I left the bar.

Andi P.O.V.

When Eisuke left Eiji let go of my hand. "Hi....Andi...." Angie said with a smile. "Why did you let Eisuke leave?" I asked. Then they went quiet "you know what Andi lets just go sit with them it looks fun spending time with them right." Eiji said and give me a smile. "Um.....sure...." I said. Then I sit were Eisuke seat is ..... While Eiji is sitting were Yamato seat.

Why did Eisuke left with Yamato? And why does he's face look pale? Doesn't he wanna see me because I'm here with Eiji or is there something else is bothering me. Well tomorrow is Eisuke's birthday......maybe we can talk like for what had happened yesterday.

🖐To be Continued✋

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