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I would like to let you all now the the third book is finally Publish.

Yes only one day XD

I'm going to publish Prologue and chapter one first. I might say this but still not sure but I think the third book will be short.....? Well it still depends.

The title of the third book Is "Without You"

Yes......and I won't tell anything about the summary of the story I might keep a secret of this for awhile.

Yes even you Oreo-chan  I'm not going to tell anyone about this. What's the story is all about just read it and we will be all fine XD

You may visit my profile so you can view the story now!!

I hope you may enjoy it and please no hate okay -___-

Hahaha Thad it for the day.


Amnesia ~Sequel to Give Your Heart a Break~Where stories live. Discover now