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"Today is beautiful day." I spread my wings and hands to the sky happily. I was standing on a  high building in Seoul.  I didn't know why, but when I'm monitoring people, I'm always on the high building, because I see a lot of people at the same time, so I can see who needs help. And that is great.

Day was so sunny, and sky was serenity. Wonderful. I looked at people from building. They were all in a hurry. I sometimes wonder where these people go. I have 395 years and I realized, since my birth people are every day more and more in a hurry and they don't have time for themselves. This is bad, very bad. Suddenly, necklace, which had a small stone as a pendant on my neck, began to shine.  Ahh this means that someone is  in trouble. All angels have  the same necklace. When should happen some trouble near where is some angel necklace begins to shine.

"Poor grandpa." I said sadly when I saw that grandpa wants to cross the street but was red for pedestrians. "Certainly he don't see that is red light for pedestrians and that he  mustn't exceed because the car is still moving" I added and landed with the building and approached to grandpa who was standing next to the traffic light.

"Hi, hi grandpa", I laughed sweetly waving under his nose. I know that people cannot see me but I love to talk with them. For me it is fun. Sometimes I talk to them for hours but always turns out that I talk to myself.

I raised my right hand and slowly I started to move my fingers creating  white sparkles. Then that white sparkles I sent toward traffic light. Suddenly red light turned off and than green light turned on. And all angels have power, because  we are transparent so we can't touch people and people can't touch us and they can't see us, so we must use our power to help them. 

 I smiled happily seeing that old grandpa was crossing the street. Heheh good job Yuri!  While I was standing on the street people passed through me. I'm used to it 395 years ago in fact since the day I was born. Haha but it 's very funny when you see that someone pass through you. It's very cool.

"I am here." I heard  a very warm an soft voice behind me. I quickly turned and I saw beautiful and pretty boy who was in white clothes  and his wings was so big and white as they were covered with silver powder. He had a big smile on his face and his big eyes were shining.

"Aa! Kai oppa" I yelled happily running toward him in his warm hug. I hugged him so strong and my head was his chest, he hugged my too lowering his head  on my.

"I missed you so much Oppa" I said still hugging him.

"I missed you to Yuri." He smiled hugging me strongly. Kai is just like my older brother. We are always together and we always protect people together. He is older than me he has 400 years. But since I was born we are always together.

"Oppa how was in Angels Academy?" I asked him happily. He patted my head and said.

"Let's go to that building and sit down, I'll tell you." he said pointing on huge building near us. I nodded and we flew away on building. We sat on edge building and Kai started to talk about Angels Academy.

"It was very nice Yuri, I learned to use the new powers, I will show you If you want" he smiled happily. We angels have a Angels Academy so in that academy leaving only angels who have 400 years, there they learn new skills and use new powers to protect people on Earth. There is so cool so for 5 years I will go in Angels Academy to, awww I am so exited.

And the devils have their own academy in fact we protect people from them. The devils are always in black clothes, always dark and have red eyes, they don't have wings so they use the power of teleportation to move. Every devil has a dark book magic which always carries with them and using these books cast evil spells on people.  We always have a problem with them.

We angels are always in white clothes  and we have blue eyes. For my 395 years I never changed my white dress.  It sounds crazy but we never dirty and we never changed clothes. And of course we never eat and drink. We also immortal and devils are immortal to.

"It's look that your hair is grow up." Kai said touching my long brown hair.

"Oh really?" I said surprised lowered my head to see my hair and suddenly Kai hit my nous playfully.

"You still falls on the same joke, hahah" Kai laughed holding his stomach.

"Ouch ." I yelled touching my nose. He always joking with me. I missed it so much.

Suddenly my and Kai's necklaces started so shining. We looked at each other anxiously and we quickly looked down to see people. Everything seemed normal.

"Everything is normal." I said still looking down.

"I don't think so.." Kai yelled " Look, there is devil" he yelled again pointing whit forefinger on one devil who was standing on the road next to the people.

"Let's stop him!" I raised my voice and I and Kai we went down to the other side of the road.

"Kyungsoo, go away!" Kai yelled looked at devil. What? Oppa know that devil? I was so confused. That devil had a black clothes black hair and red and big eyes. Of course he was carrying with him dark magic book.

When that devil heard Kai's voice he raised his head toward him and made a provoking smile.

"Ohh , Kai long time no see." Devil smirked. "Since Academy"  devil added. What?? They were together at the Academy?

"You know him Oppa?" I whispered staring at Kai.

"We had some classes together, actually the fight between the devils and angels." Kai whispered too. Ah know I understand.

"Let's stop him."I said and tried to fly to cross street and win that devil. But Kai stopped me. He grabbed my hand and lowered me on ground.

"He is very powerful you cannot easily attack him." Kai yelled on my worriedly. I nodded sadly. Kyungsoo opened his book and he started to whisper some magical words. Suddenly one kid  who was crossing the street stopped and began to choke. At the same time  a car encountered and in car was one woman , one man and a little boy. The man who was driving, tried to press the brakes on the car when he saw that the child didn't cross the street, but the brakes didn't work.

The scene was terrible. But I started to move my fingers creating white sparkles, again and I threw that sparkles on car  and the car stopped. A kid finally crossed street but  Kai yelled "Yuri stop time, STOP TIME!!" 

I stared at him whit confusing "Why? " I asked frowned my eyebrows. I have already stopped a car, I don't understand, why I must stopped the time.

The truck who that was coming from the other side  hit a car who I stopped.  Front of my eyes car was completely crushed. A family that was in the car was dead. Now what just happened?

I felt a tremor of my body I couldn't say anything and my sighs were getting deeper and deeper. I was looking at the terrible sight. Everything was broken.

"I just do my job." Kyungsoo said and then he disappeared.

to be continued....


While I was writing this chapter I wiped it 100 times , I was afraid that you will not like it :( :(

I give my best  <3, please vote and comment TELL ME YOUR OPINION PLEASEEEEE!!

Thanks guys and I really love you all. <3 <3 <3 

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