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What is she doing here? Yuri talked with Kai about food, and it seemed that she didn't notice me. So it was my chance to escape. I  was slowly moving  towards the door, looking at them. But unfortunately, Kai saw me.

"Hey! Yoona where are you going?" Kai looked at me while I was opening a door. Suddenly, when Yuri heard my name she immediately turned to look at me as well. 

"Hey, hey, Yoona!! You are here."  She screamed happily running towards me and hugging me.

"Hey, don't touch me." I pushed her away angrily fixing my uniform.

"Oh sorry." she uttered sadly. " So you live here too. That is great we can hang out, right." she said happily spreading her happy eyes at me. Yuri looked totally merrily. 

"What?" I shouted frowning my eyebrows. No way...

"Oh yeah, and this is my older brother Kai." She pointed at Kai who smiled warmly. "He can hang out with us too" she smiled.  This girls is definitely strange.

"Ahh I must go now, bye." I said coldly trying to avoid further discussion. I finally exited from flower shop.

"Ya! Wait for me!" Yuri yelled running towards me. 

"Ahh don't bother me please." I said lazily.

"So how are you, did you sleep well?" she asked.

"Yeah yeah." I sighed. This girls is boring.

"Ahh that is good news, so can we after school go in coffee shop. We can hang out." She smiled looking at me.

"Just please don't bother me, okay!" I yelled on her. 

"Sorry, I just wanted to hang out with you." she said sadly, lowering her head.

"Forget, We can't be friends, do you understand that!" I yelled on her more and more. But she didn't answer me , she was very quiet. I hope that she understood that she bothers me. I really hate that.

I started to walk toward school alone, without her. She was standing behind me. 


It will be very hard to make her happy. She doesn't allow me to talk with her......ahhh Yuri concentrate.

"Ahhh don't worry about her.." I heard a nice voice behind me. I immediately turned around and saw a very sweet boy with short hair who held the needles in his hands and the red thread and he wove something.

"Wh.. Who are you?" I asked him frowning my face.

"Hi, I am Xiumin, we go in the same school, but I am in other class." he said weaving. 

"O, really, ok.. so I am Yuri." I uttered staring in his red thread. 

"Can I ask you.... what are you doing." I asked him staring at him confusing.

"Oh this.." he said pointing with his head on needles and thread. I nodded.

"Hhahah, I am weaving  right now,  this is really cool, do you want to try!" he asked happily giving me needles with red thread. 

"Ahh no no, it's ok." I said shaking with my hand. He raised his shoulders and continued to weave. I was looking at him while he wove. He acted to calm. After few seconds we continued to walk toward school very slowly. Because Xiumin was weaving all time so he couldn't see where he walk. 

"Why are you trying to make friends with Yoona?" Xiumin suddenly asked me. I didn't know what to answer him , because I could't tell him that I killed her parents and that I am here to protect her and to make her happy.

Angels [EXO's Kyungsoo and Kai]Where stories live. Discover now