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His eyes, his gorgeous blue eyes make me so happy, I feel safe...

Ahhh, again I had nightmare.... shit. Since my family died I always have nightmares. 

I opened my eyes and took a clock who was near my bed. Ahh it's already midnight! I got up from my bed and started do walk toward kitchen than I opened fridge and took bottle of water.

"Yoona you are so stupid." I muttered gluping water also leaning my body on fridge. Chanyeol, why? Why I think abut you right now? Why, you have girlfriend now and you are happy but I... I am just hustler. NOTHING! I approached the wall to see big picture of my family. I live here alone, you changed me, you and your death. Because of you I am alone here. I hate you guys. My eyes was full of tears while I was looking picture.

Suddenly somebody knocked on door. Who is this so late?

I put the bottle of water on table and started to walk toward door. When I opened door my eyes widened when I saw Kai.

"Hi Yoona, did I wake you up?" he smiled.

"Huh? Kai, what are you doing here so late?" I asked him frowning my face.

"Ahh sorry I just wanted to see are you ok, you looked very sad today when you see Chanyeol and his new girlfriend I just wanted to see are you ok." he explained .

"Ahh about that, I am cool as always." I made slight smile " Come in". He nodded and entered in my room. We sat in the kitchen and I also bring him some juice.

"I want to thank you for today Kai." I uttered sitting opposite him. He faced me smiling.

"For today?" he frowned his eyebrows not understanding.

"Yeah, you acted my boyfriend in front of Chanyeol, Thank you."

"Ah, about that, don't worry I just wanted to help you." he smiled.

"I know and thanks for that."

"You know, he looked little annoyed when he saw as together." Kai smirked proudly.

"Ahh.. I don't believe in that." I said lowering my head. "He is happy now, he has a girlfriend who is very pretty and sexy girl, but me"

"What are you talking? You are more prettier than her." he pouted sweetly.

"Hhaha no I am just a hustler who know everything." I declared ironically.

"Sweet hustler.." Kai whispered thinking that I will not heard that. I immediately smiled sweetly blushing like tomato.

"I think that he still loves you." he said drinking juice. I faced him angrily. I  hate when somebody give me hope which is not feasible. Because of that I cannot believe people. This is so selfish.

"Don't say that, I don't believe in that." I raised my voice looking at him. When he saw my fury he just raised his left corner of lips smirking at me. I was little surprised with his behavior.

"People.. they are so frightened and lost in their worries." he said through whisper. What's he talking about?

"Huh?" I stared at him.

"Just forget." he said slowly sighing. "It's late sorry for bothering you I am going now." he added getting up.

"Ok see a tomorrow." I greeted and closed the door. Ahhh Kai, damn, what's happening?

I started to walk toward my bed but suddenly door opened and Kai entered in my rook quickly.

"Ya! What's wrong?" I yelled on him.

"Can I ask you something?" He asked me rubbing his head.

"Just hurry I want to sleep." I said irritably.

"Do you love him?" he asked me suddenly. I was little surprised with his question but I decided to answer very slowly and without response.

"This is not important anymore." I said tiredly.

"This is important." 

I looked at him and in his eyes I could see persistence. Why you're so interested Kai?

"Ahh ok, I love him , I still love him but.. I want so badly to forget him, my brain told me to forget him but my heart.....my crazy heart keeps this strong feeling." I said lowering my head.

"This is what I wanted to hear." suddenly Kai said that starting to walk toward me. I looked at him nervously. He grabbed my shoulders pushing me on wall. His face was so close my, his breath tickled my lips.


"Ssshh, I want to give you motivation." he whispered leaning his soft lips on my. I was shocked I widened my eyes but he... he was so gentle. His lips was so soft and sweet.


I got up from my bed seeing that Kai is not on his bed. Where is he? I rubbed my eyes and started to call him.

"Oppa!" I called him but no answer. Where is that guy? I looked at my phone and I saw that it us midnight. I took my jacket and went out from flower shop to find him. It was really cold outside even a little foggy. So couldn't see The Moon or stars on dark sky. No one was on street just I and street lights.

"Kai oppa where are you?" I yelled rubbing my arms to keep them warm. But no answer again, my voice just echoed in darkness. Ahh, I will call him from my phone.

I started to walk toward flower shop but suddenly somebody grabbed me for my arm. I was so furious that I started to scream. But that person who grabbed me for my arm put hand on my lips that I can't scream.

"Hey, don't scream." the familiar voice uttered. I slowly turned my body to see who is that and I was stunned when I saw Kyungsoo. I stepped back two paces from him and looked at him from head to toe. He looked totally different, D.O didn't have red eyes or dark magic book or black clothes. He looked different. Now his eyes was brown also he dressed some normal male clothes and his hair wasn't messy. He looks like angel? Also he touched my face and arm right now? But how? What a minute is he human now? 

"Kyungsoo.." I stuttered his unbelieving what I see.

"Yuri, this is is me, I am a human now!" Kyungsoo said  simply staring at me to see my reaction. I just opened my mouth staring at him.

"A human!? Wait what?" I reacted. Is he normal?  How can he be a human, he is devil damn!

"I will explain you everything tomorrow." he said but I approached him hitting his arm. I really can touch him. He is really a human now.

"Lucifer did that?" I asked him.

"Yes, this is a long story." he explained.

I still cannot believe what's happened. Kyungsoo is human now, is that good or bad?? What will I do now? What do you think to do what is your plan Devil?

to be continued...


Hi guys, how are you?

Oke here is sixteen chapter I hope that you will like it. <3

I know that this chapter is little short but I will do my best in next chapter.

I must say that I am so happy because of Yoona's and Kai's first kiss.

Keep reading <3 saranghaeyo <3

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