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Sunlight was covering my face while I was standing near door in room where was Kai. We were alone. Kai was still on his bed, he didn't move his body or anything, but I was there with him. I promised Yuri and Yoona that I will be with him while two of them are outside on fresh air.

I closed my eyes because I cannot look in sun and allowed sunbeams to touch my face. I really enjoyed. I used to be devil that means I was spirit for 400 years, so when I have wanted to watch sun and feel his warmth, but I could because sunbeams will just pass trough me. This feelings are beautiful, sometimes I envy humans.

"K.. Kyungsoo." at once I heard Kai's sleepy voice behind me. Immediately and very fast I turned myself and faced him.

"Kai are you fine?" I ran toward him. He slowly opened his eyes and looked at me.

"Is Yoona okay? Did Tao hurt her?" he stuttered painfully breathing deeply.

"Tao?" I asked him. Did Tao attack him? "Kai did Tao attack you and Yoona?" I asked him curiously.

He just nodded slowly. "Where are Yuri and Yoona?" he barely asked?

"Oh they are outside don't worry" I explained. "Kai just be here I will call doctor." I tapped his shoulder and stared to walk toward door but suddenly door opened and Luhan entered in with sallow face.

"You!" He shouted at me and angrily ran toward he hitting my face. I fell down folding my bloody lip. "This is your fault!" he shouted at me one more time and grabbed my collar dragging me on wall. His crossly face was so near me. He for sure think that is my fault why is Kai in hospital.

"What are you doing?" I asked him feeling pain on my lip.

"It is your fault why is Kai in hospital, you son of the bitch!" he screamed at my face. Luhan and I are not in good terms, he still think that guilty was mine why Lucifer expelled him from spirit world and because of that he is angry with me.

"I didn't do anything!" I yelled at him.

Luhan raised his wrist to punch me in my face but Kai interrupted him. "Luhan let him go, it's not his fault." Kai bellowed. That made Luhan to stop but his angry face was still looking at me.

"I was devil, just like you. But I am different. Although I am devil, I am here to protect people, but you.." he made little pause while he was talking. He looked at me from head to toe and made some disgusted facial expression. "You will always be the same." he uttered through whisper.

My heart stopped to beat when I heard his words. He took off hands from my collar and just one more time faced me with disgusted facial expression. "Luhan, please just listen me.." I began to talk trying to explain him everything. I didn't want to be with him in bad terms anymore, but he didn't allow me to talk with him.

"Kyungsoo!" Luhan shouted my name stopping me to talk. "Get out I want to be with Kai alone." he added.

Sadly and disappointedly I got out.

Why I think that for everything that happens bad in the world is my fault. I don't have even chance to explain. When I closed door behind me I leaned my body on door and crouched down on floor holding myself for head.


Yoona and I was slowly walking on lane near big forest. She quietly walked in front of me. I wanted to talk with you but we didn't have topic. But I am glad that she is fine now. She was very upset because of Kai so I decided to take her outside on fresh air that we can talk like girls. Can we?

"Oh we will soon graduate, are you happy." I started to talk.

"Ahamm." she just murmured not giving me any attention.

Angels [EXO's Kyungsoo and Kai]Where stories live. Discover now