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Seven deadly sins...

Envy, gluttony, lust, wrath, sloth, greed, pride...

Because of that sins people go to hell. We, devils, always persuade people to do that sins how will they go in hell. This is our job. Our bad job.. but  lately I have changed a lot. I can't persuade any people on any sins. I become a unfit. I don't know what to do with myself. Ahhh Kyungsoo try to concentrate!

Nahyun , Tao and I entered in Lucifer's chamber, Tao all the time was wiping blood from his neck. On his face I could see fury. Lucifer entered in chamber behind as I expect he was angry a lot.

"Nahyun, Tao leave me and DO alone." He said annoyingly. Then when they went I was alone with Lucifer. He started to grind his teeth.

"Kyungsoo, you disappointed me." He said very coldly and calmly. I immediately crouched down lowering my head.

"My Master please forgive me." I said quickly. I understand that he is angry, but Yuri and Kai... I don't know but I don't want that Tao or Nahyun or any devil hurt them. My feelings are totally strange.. I shouldn't have any feelings toward somebody. I... I can't , I am devil damn!

I expected that Lucifer said something but not. He approached me hitting me in my face. I fell down groaning in pain 'cause my lips was bleeding. After few seconds I tried to raise up my body but Lucifer put his leg on my neck and back, so I couldn't get up.

"You are in love?" he asked me through his teeth angrily. My heart immediately started to pound, in one moment I felt fear in my all body. Yuri!

"No!" I yelled while he was holding his leg on my back.

"Really, than convince me." Lucifer uttered raising my body and pushing me on a wall making with my body big crack on wall. He moved him face closer my face showing me his angry eyes who was burning inside. 

"I.. I will." I stuttered nervously looking directly in his eyes.

"Hurt Yuri's heart" he ordered me looking in my eyes also still holding my collar. "Evil in your eyes is less and less. What is happening to you?" he whispered. "Now listen me very carefully, here how will you destroy Yuri...."


I entered in my room holding my broken wing. I barely landed in the kingdom of angels, which was located in the sky. So I jut sat on my bed trying to touch my wing who was in blood. Aaa, it's hurt..

"Don't touch that Baeki, I will heal that." I raised my body and saw Lay how enter in my room. 

"Hey Lay you are here" I said smiling. He approached me looking my wing.

"Uuu this is very bad." he said frowning his eyebrows. "But it's ok I will fix it." he added. Lay is angel who is always here for me. When I was cursed and condemned to be half man half-angel actually to be a monster, Lay was always here for me my best friend and my only support.

"You meet Yuri and Kai?" Lay asked me while he was healing my wing.

"Ahh no, I just meet Yuri today." I said simply. 

"So you are really going to help them about Yoona?"

"Yeah why not I didn't have chance to fix my mistake, I will definitely help them." I said squeezing my eyes because I felt a pain in wing.

"I understand you." Lay uttered simply. "here your wing is great now." he added so I just turned my body to see my wing who was as new now. Lay is great healer. When he was in Angels Academy he's studied to be a healer, so he can heal people and this is so good job.

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