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Difficult memories have tied me for this place. Almost every weekend while my parents and brother were alive, we was spending here, on place where people make picnic with family. When we entered  on big meadow full of greenery and people who are happy my heart immediately squeezed from the pain which was in my broken heart.

I got a dizzy. Mum, dad..I miss you so much.

"Hey, Yoona are you ok?" Yuri asked me worriedly while I was holding my head.

"Yeah, don't worry."  I uttered irritably ignoring her. So I just passed her and we sat on big blanket which was on the ground. 

"HEY! Guys let's eat." Xiumin suggested us opening his basket with food.

"Aaa great idea Xiumin." Yuri yelled happily jumping to help Xiumin about food but Xiumin's older brother Kris closed basket angrily .

"We will eat later." Kris uttered showing with his blue eyes anger. Yuri and Xiumin immediately sat down.

"Hhaha ok guys let's play some game?" Kai suggested happily staring at us to see our reaction. Everybody nodded him making slight smile. We decided to play 'truth and dare', so I think that this is great idea, it will be cool to meet other friends very well.

"Ok let's start." Yuri said and she spun the bottle. Suddenly bottle stopped showing Xiumin.

"Ok Xiumin truth or dare?" Yuri asked him curiously.

"Truth of course." 

"Why you always knit?" We all laughed when Yuri asked him that. Xiumin made some very cute facial expressions answering.

"Hhahaha because this is my hobby."

"Just that?" Kai asked him disappointedly, I can say that he wanted huge answer. Xiumin just nodded simply. It was time for Xiumin to spin the bottle but suddenly the middle of us jumped ball. We all were surprised and I turned my head to see who threw the ball and one very little and sweet boy approached us. 

"I am so sorry can I take my ball." little kid said shyly but my eyes stayed on his little face. He.. he looks like my brother.. I felt dizzy again, all my bad memories hurt my heart.  

So I didn't notice that Xiumin, Kris, Kai and Yuri stared at me while I was staring at that boy. I looked so strange for sure. 

"Ya! Yoona give the ball him." Kris uttered  waking me up in reality. 

"Ahh yeah, sorry here your ball." I took the ball and gave him smiling. When kid took the ball giving me pretty smile, he just went from us.

He is so similar to my brother. I want to cry I want to cry so badly... I want my parents here. What I am doing here I want to go home.... this place hurt me again and again. I got up taking my bag.

"Hey Yoona what are you doing?" Yuri said surprisingly getting up with me while others stared at us.

"I.. I want to walk." I explained her.

"Ok I will come with you." she said approaching me but I shook my head.

"It's ok I can do it alone."  I bowed them and started to walk. 


What's going on with Yoona? She just went out making me to worry a lot. I understood that she doesn't need my company but she can't go alone.

"Be here guys I will go to see where is Yoona ok?" Kai said getting up.

"OK oppa if you need something just call me." I said and he went.

Angels [EXO's Kyungsoo and Kai]Where stories live. Discover now