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"Here." Yoona said giving me book for Yuri. I looked in book and took it, Yoona was still sad because of Chanyeol and that situation which happened in cafe shop.

"You are not going to give this book alone." I asked her.

"No, I am just too tired I will visit her again later." Yoona said so slowly actually trough whisper, on her face I could see tiredness and sadness also. Her heart was talking to me how hurt she is, like first time when Chanyeol dumped her. I could see sorrow in her brown big eyes which are so soft and dainty.

We were in front of flower shop so Yoona just wanted to enter in and when she opened door I grabbed her wrist and stopped her, she faced me scaredly. "You will be fine?" I uttered stuttering nervously. Actually I wanted to ask her can she forget him once and for all, can she find other love, can she turn a new page of her life? But I couldn't, I was afraid of her answer, very afraid.

"Don't worry I am strong person." she smiled wanting to break this discomfort in the atmosphere. I smiled at her slightly and we entered in flower shop.

When I closed the door I found out Kyungsoo how is sitting and watching some papers, he was worried. I looked at him confusingly. What you have done you devil?

"I am going in my room." Yoona said waving me, I waved her back with warm smile on my face. She entered in her room and when she closed door I immediately approached toward Kyungsoo.

"Where is Yuri?" I asked him angrily. When Kyungsoo heard my voice he winced making look toward me.

"Huh? Oh Yuri, she is in room, Kris and his brother Xiumin are there too." Kyungsoo acted to strange, he was so calm but on his face was feeze and uneasiness. What's wrong with him?

"What is this?" I asked him showing with my forefinger in papers which he was holding in his hands.

"N...nothing." He started to stutter hiding papers from me. I approached toward him and pulled out papers from his arms. "Just leave that." Kyungsoo yelled wanting to take papers.

But I was faster and I started to read it. My eyes widened when I saw that my boss has a cancer. I began to shake. No! What? This is impossible! He is so good man he didn't deserve it. In that moment I lost my temper and crumpled paper angrily making look toward Kyungsoo. My eyes were wet when I faced him, also my heart was beating stronger and stronger from sadness and despair in my all body.

"What is this?" I uttered through sobbing angrily. Kyungsoo got scared from my look and my voice.

"He.. he is sick and he will die." he uttered through whisper lowering his head. I threw all papers down angrily and grabbed him from his collar pushing him on wall crossly.

"You did that? Right? This is your fault?" I yelled on him crying like some baby, I was hot-headed and I completely lost my temper. I just wanted to hit somebody so strongly that my heart at least a little calmed.

"Ya! I didn't do anything I am human now how can I do that?" He shouted on me wanting to take off his my arms from his collar but I squeezed him stronger on wall making him to shut up.

"Maybe you are human from out side but inside you are still devil." I said it calmly through my teeth looking directly in his eyes.

"Kai listen me I really didn't do anything." Kyungsoo started to talk but as I said I lost my temper completely so I raised my arm and squeezed my fist wanted to punch him so hardly, actually I wanted to see him blood, his dirty blood.

In the moment when I wanted to punch him so hardly the door opened and I could hear yelling.


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