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Yuri was very ill. Her cheeks were very hot and red while she were raving in dream. I don't understand how she so fast has become ill 'cause she looked very healthy today.

Opposite her bed was Kai who has slept like some little baby. I didn't want to bother him about Yuri's ill, so I just left him to sleep and take a rest. He must be very tired , work in flower shop is not easy.

"Yoona, please forgive me." Yuri raved in pain squeezing her eyes. She was so wet.

"For what?" I whispered petting her head.  But she just slept again breathing deeply while her lips were very dry. I patted her head one more time and covered her whit blanket. I made my look toward clock and it was 4h in the morning.

I yawned lazily getting up wanting to go in kitchen to drink some water.

"Yoona" Suddenly Kai called my name. Immediately I looked him. "What are you doing here?" Kai murmured rubbing his sleepy eyes.

I approached toward him and sat on his bed behind him. "Your sister is very sick. She has a temperature. I came here to help here." I explained.

He immediately looked at Yuri widening his eyes. He got up quickly running toward Yuri. "Yuri you look very pale sis." Kai murmured worriedly touching her red cheeks. "Why didn't you call me." Kai looked at me.

"I didn't want to bother you." I explained. "What you think, should we take her in hospital?"

"No, she will be ok." he murmured. "You can go now, it's very late, go to sleep I will be with her."

I wanted to complain but I couldn't, Kai is her brother he knows what is better for her. Then I just nodded him and timidly exited from room closing door slowly.

"Is she ok?" suddenly in front of me bumped Kyungsoo. He looks very curious and worried.

"Oh..hahah yeh she will be fine" I murmured awkwardly.

"Ah good" he exhaled putting his hand on chest smiling slightly. Woow he really worried as Kai. Ah Yuri is so happy person she has so many friends who are like family to her, but I. Will I always be alone?

"Are you ok?" Kyungsoo murmured staring at me confusingly. He noticed my sad and pensive face.

"Oh yeah sorry." I bowed and went in my room. I closed my door leaning my head on door. I was thinking about my life and loneliness. How stupid I am!


Five hours later...

I was sleeping on my bed while suddenly somebody entered in my room making big noise. I immediately got up rubbing my messy hair. When I opened my eyes I saw Kai how stare at me.

"What are you doing here?" I raised my voice angrily covering my body with blanket bashfully.

"Good morning Yoona. I came here to wake you up because I need your help today." He explained sweetly smiling like some little kid.

I awkwardly looked at him. "Help? What help?"

"You like books right? So I want you to come with me in library to take some books for Yuri? You know about books so you can help me. Please." he explained me making some sweet facial expressions.

"Oh ok." I said awkwardly.

"Thanks." at once he approached toward me closer touching my nose with his nose. In that moment I wanted to die how strong my heart pounded. Immediately my cheeks got rosy from big nervousness in my body. "Hurry up." Kai whispered pinching my cheeks. He gave me wonderful smile and went out. I was shocked. I was so nervous that I covered my head with blanket screaming in my pillow.

Angels [EXO's Kyungsoo and Kai]Where stories live. Discover now