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Garden, this is the only place where I can be in paradise. For me garden and paradise are same things. Paradise used to be my home, that place is full of flowers, animals, freedom, peace and kindliness. Garden, which is behind flower shop, is same like my home, same like paradise. So I really like to be there, that place reminds me of what I used to be, angel. 

Sigh. I took white roses from garden and placed it in a basket. I have to bring them in flower shop.  I really like white roses I don't know why, but they are different from other roses even smell different. Purity, innocence, reverence and wit, these four characteristics make white roses. This is reason while I like them so much. Although Yuri likes red roses I like white.

I filled the basket of roses and made way toward shop but in moment when I turned myself I saw Yoona behind me. Did she stand whole time there?

"Oh, Sorry I didn't notice you, why you stand there?" I asked her.

"I.. I just." she started to stutter nervously. "You know, you look different when you are alone in garden and surrounded with flowers." she added with embarrassed smile on her little cute face. 

I raised corner of my lips and looked her tenderly "Thank you I love to come here." 

She just gave me smile. The atmosphere between us was tense, my heart fluttered a lot while I was looking at her. I was feeling awkward.

"I will miss all of this." her sentence was very awkward.

"I don't understand, you will miss all this? How?" I frowned. 

"One family has decided to adopt me, so I am going to live in their house." Her answer almost killed me. I was very shocked. She never talked about it. In that moment my heart just broke to a million parts. I was looking at her so calmly, actually I looked so calm but inside I was falling apart. I thought that time had stopped for a moment.

"So you will not live in flower shop anymore." I barely asked fearing of her answer.

"Yes." she laughed but somehow that smile showed that she was violated inside and that she was sorry. I lowered my head not knowing what to say or what to ask, I was wounded.

"Does Yuri know about it?" I raised my head looking at her.

"No, I will tell her later." she answered starting to squeeze her hands. It was obviously that she is feeling uncomfortable right now.

"Yuri will be hurt, you know that she likes you a lot." I declared.

"Yes, I know. But, I like her too." Yoona smiled again not looking at me. But I could fell her strong and hard heart beat. I started to bite my lips from all  dithering in my body. I wanted to throw away basket with roses and come near her and hug her strongly and tell her not to go anywhere and that I need her. But I couldn't.

"Great, I am glad that you found new family. I really want you to be happy." my voice trembled.

All disappointed she smiled again. Every her sad smile was killing me. Please don't go, we have something, we really have something between us. I feel it every day when I watch you. 

"Thank you." Yoona lowered her head sadly. After that there was silence between us. I was watching her and she was watching me , we didn't  talk but our glances were saying everything. We didn't want to separate from  each other. 

"Aaa! Help! Kai where are you!" scary screaming from flower shop scared me and Yoona. That was Yuri's voice. 

"What was that?" Yoona panicked.

"This is Yuri's voice." I yelled and started to run toward flower shop. The first thing what I thought that Kyungsoo attacked her but when I entered in flower shop I gasped when I saw how my boss lays down on floor with closed eyes. Yuri was near him ans she was crying also opposite her was Kyungsoo, he was trying to wake up my boss but he looked like he is dead. 

"Kai please help me." Kyungsoo said trying to raise mister Lee. All shocked I approached toward him and helped him. We carried my boss in his car and Yuri, Kyungsoo, Yoona and I entered in car with him and we made way toward hospital. 

Come on please mister Lee don't die, you cannot die, we all need you.

Yoona also started to cry, she was scared just like Yuri.

"Will he die?" Yuri's voice trembled while she was wiping her tears. I couldn't answer. I was afraid too so I could barely hold the steering wheel in my hands.

"He will be okay don't worry." Kyunsgoo, who was sitting on passenger seat, turned his head just to say Yuri that. Yuri and Yoona were sitting on back and they were holding mister Lee who was looked like corpse. He didn't movie, he didn't breath, he didn't show us sings of life. Did Suho really kill him? I couldn't think about it.

After few minutes we arrived in front of hospital and I got out wanting to catch some doctors that they can help us.

"Doctor please help." I shouted and one doctor came near us and helped us to carry boss in hospital. They immediately brought him in operating room.

"Sorry, but you cannot come in." the nurse said and she closed the door leaving us in front of operating room.

"Kai, will he be okay?" Yuri cried dramatically hugging me, I patted her head trying to solace her as much as I can.

"He will be fine." I whispered and made look toward Yoona, who was against on wall and sadly looked me and Yuri. I wanted to solace her too but  Yuri was near me and I couldn't. Kyungsoo crouched down and leaned his head on kneels sighing deeply and worriedly. 

After half an hour...

"Kai, Yuri!" I heard how somebody call me and I turned my head and saw Kris and Xiumin how run toward us. They heard that our boss is in hospital so they came here.

"Hi guys." I greeted them.

"Is your boss live?" Xiumin asked.

"We don't know anything yet." I answered ruffing my hair annoyingly. 

"Yuri are you okay?"  Kris asked her but she just nodded. She was sitting near Kyungsoo and I noticed that she is tired a little from crying and her head wanted to lean on Kyungsoo's shoulder, I really don't like that idea. They are close too much.

"Yoona." I approached toward her. "You need something?" I asked her touching her hand.

"I am okay." she uttered barely, she was tired too. I sat near her and tapped my shoulder making her confuse.

"What?" she frowned.

"Lean your head on my shoulder you need rest." I said.

"But I told you I am okay." she objected.

"Just lean on." I was persistent and she very timidly leaned her head on my shoulder.

Yuri got up "I am going in toilet."

"I will help you." Kyungsoo tried to help her but Kris grabbed him for his hand.

"It's okay, I will help help her." Kris uttered seriously but Kyungsoo pushed him away from her. 

"I told that I am going with you." Kyungsoo became mad in moment, he acted like he is jealous. 

"Yeahh!" I bellowed on them. "This is not place for fight, please calm down." I uttered seriously through sharp tone making them to calm down. 

"I am going alone." Yuri was angry too and she just left. 

Kyungsoo glared Kris like he is going to kill him. And he just sat down again. My eyes stopped on his face when I saw bruise near his lips. Did he has fight?

"What's wrong with your face?" I asked him in quiet tone because I noticed that Yoona sleep.

"Nothing I just fell on ground." he was weird. He really seemed like he had some fight. Kris just sighed annoyingly looking at Kyungsoo, two of them really act weird today.

I was feeling Yoona's deep sighs on my neck, she really slept. And Yuri came back from bathroom and sat on her old place, near Kyungsoo. In that moment doctor went out from operating room. We all got up staring at him very nervously.

"I am sorry, but he is dead." doctor said in very quiet tone. My heart squeezed from sadness in my chest. Yuri and Yoona started to cry dramatically, and I took Yoona's head and put it on my chest starting to hug her strongly and strongly while she cried like some little baby. 

I saw how Kris hugged Yuri to solace her while Kyungsoo and Xiumin were still in shock. When I felt that my chest are wet from Yoona's crying I couldn't keep my tears anymore and started to cry clasping her. 

Death, is a dreamless sleep.

to be continued...



Very sad chapter right?..

Thanks for reading guys, I love you all. 

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