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Finally school has already done. When I just remembered that Kyungsoo came here in my school.. ahhh I still cannot believe, but I am proud on him that he didn't do something wrong here.

The last school bell rang and all students made way toward exit. Yoona first went out from classroom and literally I was behind her running that I get her also holding in my arms my school beg.

"Yoona wait!" I yelled running behind her like some little kid who runs for mum.

"Hurry up, I don't have time for you, let's eat that ice cream and go home." she said simply not waiting me. I just smiled even more and continued to run behind her.

We went in city park and near some bench was some man who was selling ice cream. Yoona just sat on that bench alone while I was walking toward ice cream maker.

"Hello, two ice creams please." I ordered.

"Of which?" ice cream maker asked. I know that I want vanilla but what she wants? I turned around and called Yoona.

"Hey! Of which you want ice cream?" I yelled.

"Strawberry." she uttered simply staring at birds which were opposite her. Again I made my look toward ice cream maker.

"Vanilla and strawberry."

He nodded and made two ice creams. I took and paid. Great, now will start conversation which I've waited so long.

"Here, enjoy." I gave her ice cream and sat next to her.

"Thanks." she murmured. The long silence were between us, she really didn't want to talk about any topic. She was just eating her ice cream looking in kinds who were screaming with their parents in park. It is certainly painful for her to watch that. I am so sorry chingu, I hope that one day you will forgive me.

"Yuri." she finally spoke " Your brother Kai, does he ever had a girlfriend?"

Her question were little weird but ok. "No, why?"

"I.. nothing I just ask." she murmured. Is something happened between them?

"Is everything ok?" I asked looking at her serious face which not looking me.

"Is your brother serious person?" she uttered other question. Why is she asking for Kai?

"Rarely, he loves to make jokes and if you see he is such womanizer." I explained and that was true. Flower shop is totally full of customers when Kai works.

"Really." she whispered lowering her head looking at ground sadly. "Thank you for telling me that."

Did I say something wrong?

I frowned my face looking at her. This is very weird..

"What about you and Chanyeol?" I wanted to change a topic, but her face was not sad anymore, it looked angry. Great Yuri!

"We are past." she uttered angrily. I really didn't want to bother her anymore. I was imagining this conversation will be more interesting. But I cannot complain, this is good for start. Again she became speechless.

"Yuri is that you?" at once I heard very familiar male voice behind me and Yoona. I slowly turned myself to see who is that. My eyes widened when I saw very cute boy with messy hair. His smile decorated his little cute puppy face. Also his wonderful eyes were just like stars on dark blue sky. He had very nice clothes on his little body while his hands were holding a lot of books.

I got up surprisingly making big smile on my face. "Luhan!" I shouted his name running toward him and hugging him so strongly. His soft arms hugged my little body which was stuck for him.

Angels [EXO's Kyungsoo and Kai]Where stories live. Discover now