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I really hate hospital, but what can I do. After my accident I had to come here. But two things are not clear to me. Why Kyungsoo wants to save me from Tao and who was that flower guy who saved me from devils?

At first I thought that was Kai but than I realized Kai doesn't have white clothes and wings anymore but that guy had that. He is angel I am sure in that.

"Are you ready?" Kai entered in my room while I was packing my stuffs. Yeah, we were still in hospital.

"I am ready." I said smiling and taking my bag. We will go in flower shop now and pack things for picnic today. I am so happy 'cause it will be my chance to talk with Yoona and maybe she will like me. I hope that she will accept my friendship.

Kai took my bag and we finally went home. But I haven't said Kai about mysterious angel who saved my life yet. But I will tell him, we have time.


"Boss we are here!" Kai yelled while we were entering in flower shop. Mister Lee approached us happily hugging me.

"Little Yuri are you ok?" mister Lee asked me staring in my arms which had bruises.

"Don't worry boss I am fine now." I said smiling.

"Kai if you need something please tell me I will be here to help you guys." boss said putting hand on Kai's shoulder. He is so good man. Kai is lucky because he has a boss like him.

"Thanks boss." Kai uttered and we went in our room.

So when we entered in our room I just lied down on my bed and Kai went in kitchen to make some food for us.

"When will we go on picnic?" I could hear Kai's voice from the kitchen.

"I don't know oppa, yesterday Xiumin said that he and his brother will go on picnic at 2 pm. So now is 12:00 so we have time." I said putting my hands under my head.

"Ok I will call Yoona." Kai said exiting from kitchen.

"Wait?? My food?" I yelled angrily getting up from bed. He just gave me a provoking smile.

"Heheh later." he smirked exiting from room. Ahhh Yoona Yoona ... In his head are only girls. Such a womanizer.


When I provoked Yuri I went in Yoona's room which was above flower shop. I knocked on a door and after few seconds she opened a door staring at me surprisingly.

"Hello Yoona, how are you?" I asked her politely.

"H..Hi Kai." she stuttered blushing like some little pig. "Please come in." than she added opening door more widely. I entered in her big room with sweet orange bed and pink walls. It was very cute.

"So tell me are you ready for picnic today?" I asked her while she was closing a door.

"I cannot come, I don't like to socialize." She said staring at me.

"You must come." I said staring straight into her eyes but she immediately looked away so it seemed that I make her unpleasantly. Damn Yoona, don't do that you must come! It will bi chance for Yuri. Come on!

"I am not sure.." she said calmly lowering her sweet head down.

"Ohh don't be like that, it will be cool, ok so please come in 14:00 I and Yuri will wait you." I said smiling happily. Yoona opened her mouth to say something but I approached her putting my forefinger on her pinky lips. She widened her big eyes and nervously looked at me.

Angels [EXO's Kyungsoo and Kai]Where stories live. Discover now