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Everything around me was white, even I. White and short dress was on me while my hair was long and little wavy at he end. I didn't know what it's going on. I turned my head and saw on my back big and silver wings. I was confused and abashed. What's happening here!

I started to walk very slowly not knowing where to go, because everything around me was white, like I am lost on clouds. Than I bumped into big garden full of roses. I approached slowly and touched one rose which was smelling so magical. While I was walking my dress slowly and gently touched roses which were in big garden.

"Where I am?" I asked myself while my voice echoed so softly, like I am angel again. I paused and picked one rose. Slowly I moved rose closer my nose and smelled it. When I felt very nice smell of rose I closed my eyes enjoying. I didn't know what is this place but I liked it.

Suddenly some put hand on my shoulder making me to open my eyes. Hand was so tender and soft, so I turned my head and saw very smiling face. His white skin, big eyes which were full of glow also his red lips a bit wet, made my heart to start beating very quickly.

"Kyungsoo." I whispered his name while my heart pounded crazily.

"Shhh." He so gently put his thumb on my lips making me to widened my eyes. Then Kyungsoo approached toward me closer putting his right hand on my neck. He slowly and mildly pulled me to himself leaning his fondly lips on my.

We started to kiss each other moving slowly our lips. What was weird I didn't protest I really wanted to be near him and touch his lips. I enjoy in every moment while we were kissing each other. While he was kissing me his hand traveled on my hair and on my neck. Every touch and kiss they did to my body shaking beside him. The rose which I was holding in my hand fell down on the ground beside my legs. On a moment I forgot that he is devil, totally opposition of me, but I wanted him more than everything on the world. I wanted his touch, look, smile, the warmth of his heart, I really wanted him.

Suddenly I felt big pain in my stomach. I broke the kiss and made look down. My stomach was bleeding because the black knight was stab in the body. All astonished I looked in Kyungsoo who was crying.

"Sorry." he whispered while silver tears flowed down on his face.

I knelt down holding my bloody stomach. "It's ok, it should be like this." I whispered in pain starting to cry. "Our love was impossible, right?"

He cried even more.

I lost a lot of blood so my body began to lose power. I lay down surrounded by roses after which dripped down my blood. Surrounded by bloody roses I was waiting for my death.


I jumped from my bed sighing deeply, I was all wet. Just calm down Yuri that was dream, only dream.

I looked on my left side and saw Kai how sleep very sweetly. I took a clock who was near my bed and saw time, it was two in the morning. My all body was shivering from fear in my heart. This nightmare was bad omen. I got up from my bed and approached toward Kai. I gave him pack in head and covered his body with blanket. Kai just murmured something.

I tied my hair in ponytail and went out in flower shop. Lights was turn off so the only light was light from the street, which penetrated through huge windows in the shop. I sighed deeply one more time thinking on nightmare which I had. Can that really be possible? Kyungsoo will kill me? But way?

"You cannot sleep?" I heard very familiar voice behind me. Quickly I turned myself and saw Kyungsoo how holding glass with water. I nodded scaredly looking down. I was afraid when I saw him, but how couldn't I, I dreamed of him, he was killing me.

Angels [EXO's Kyungsoo and Kai]Where stories live. Discover now