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Her long soft hair fondled my skin while my mind was on dream lend. Slowly and very lazily I opened my heavy eyelids finding that everything is very blurry in front of me. I couldn't see very clearly but I felt Yuri's body on mine. Last night was so magical for me. I don't know did I do right thing but I did it from love, this is very important for me. 

I rubbed my eyes yawning tiredly. Than slowly and very carefully I raised Yuri and put her on other side of my bad covering her naked body with blanket and just one more time looked at her realising what we were doing last nigh made me to blush like tomato. All blood in my body rushed into my cheeks making the warm, my heart had hear beat.

I got very quietly that she cannot hear me and than dressed my underpants and some shorts getting up from the bad. 

"How was last night?" some scary and very familiar voice spoke up making me to turn my head. My eyes widened in shock when I saw Tao in front of me.

"What are you doing here?" I hissed trough my teeth losing my mind. Everything what I needed is peace, not him!

"Calm down, you will wake Yuri up." Tao smirked ironically looking at Yuri with his disgusting sight. "Hmm.. she looks so yummy, can you take off this blanket I would like to see her little naked." Tao licked his lips watching her like his every gaze will eat Yuri.

I got crazy now, I lost my tantrum and I could kill him just that I can touch him. You can touch everything but not her, I will kill anybody for her. 

"Hey, don't look at her like that, I will kill you." I said madly trying to punch him but as always my arm just passed trough his body. 

"Hhaha, you always make fun Kyungsoo, you will never grow up." Tao laughed cynically.

"Come one, get out from this room." I uttered.

"I will if you go out with me too, we should talk."

"Okay just go out side don't wake her up." I insisted and finally Tao passed trough wall and he went in garden.  I took my shirt and went out making way toward garden which is behind flowers shop. I cannot believe that he come here. I am sure that Lucifer sent him here just to check me or something. Tao always destroy everything, I was in great mood and I am with Yuri now and we love each other, but this situation destroyed everything. I hate him. 

"What you want now?" I asked him almost assaulting him.

"Lucifer is mad, he cannot wait anymore. If you don't kill her in within three days he said that he would kill Yuri and you in the same time." Tao talked coldly while I was just like buried rock in front of him. I cannot kill her, but than Lucifer will kill her two of us in the same time. 

"What?" I barely whispered. 

"I told you, you should kill her not fell for her Kyungsoo, you are devil don't forget that." his words killed me. 

"What will I do now?" I lowered my head as the biggest coward in the world. In reality I am really coward who cannot stay and fight, only what I know is to lower my head and escape from any problem. 

"Do what ever you want, I am going now." Tao uttered last words and just disappeared, while I was standing there all in my mind. What should I do, I cannot kill Yuri but also I cannot allow to kill us both, his is insane. I am in the most uncomfortable situation in the world. 


I was coming back from the shop while I noticed how Kyungsoo run toward garden all in hurry. I was wondering what is going on here. I put bag in front of flower shop and slowly started to walk toward garden, and I immediately stopped when I heard some strange conversation between Kyungsoo and one more voice. 

"What you want now?"  Kyungsoo voice spoke up. I frowned my face.

"Lucifer is mad, he cannot wait anymore. If you don't kill her in within three days he said that he would kill Yuri and you in the same time."  Very familiar voice said that horrible thought. I squeezed my fist while blood boiled in my venues. I knew it, I knew that Kyungsoo is just one more simple devil, who is here to just kill Yuri. 

Angels [EXO's Kyungsoo and Kai]Where stories live. Discover now