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I dressed pretty dress and tied my hair in pony tail then just a little I put makeup on my face and looked my reflection in mirror. "I think it's good, maybe Mrs. Im and Mr, Im will like it." I told myself looking my face in reflection in mirror. This is really going to be hard, eve though I have eighteen years they still want to adopt me. Weird, they can have other child much more younger than me.. uhh.

I got out from my room and found out Yuri in front of flowers. She was rarer them by color, let's say this is sweet on some way.

"Hey where are you going?" She asked me when I wanted to get out from flower shop.

I stopped to walk and faced her. "Ohh, I am going to meet some people Yuri" I explained shortly not wanting to waste my time.

"Okey, do you need help? If you want I can go with you or maybe Kai?" she was polite. 

I sighed deeply and gave her slight smile. "It's okey, I don't need that. I am going." I said slowly and entered from flower shop walking toward bus station. 

Yuri, is pretty kind girl. I was very rude toward her I was hurt .But now when I see her little better, she is trying her best to meet me better to know me better. The point is that she really wants to be my best friend. At first I didn't notice her she was so invisible in my life. I was wrong. Now I really want to be her friend and I want to do that friendly things with her. Let's to that together Yuri.


I was standing in front of very nice and glamorous cafe shop. Very strongly I clutched my beg from nervousness in my all body. I gulped and sighed deeply "Let's go Yoona." I whispered and entered in cafe shop timidly. 

As soon as I walked in cafe shop my eyes started to search one thirty-five couple "Where they can be?" I whispered while my eyes were travelling around the cafe. Adruptly, one men raised his arm and waved me happily focussing my attention to him and one more woman which were sitting opposite him.

It must be them.

I made slight and uncertain smile on my face and slowly approached them. 

"Hello I am Yoona." I said slowly bowed politely. Immediately men and woman got up and hugged me making me to be confuse. His reaction and strong hug make my heart to shake so strong finally after all this time I felt power of love that these two people manifested.

When we break hug I made big smile showing them my white teeth. 

"Ah you're much prettier live" Mrs. Im uttered touching my hair mildly. For thirty-five year old woman she is perfect, her face has no wrinkles, it is very nice and gentle woman which is eager daughters and love. 

"Please sit Yoona." Mr. Im said politely showing me chair which were between them. I nodded and sat there fixing my dress. 

"I am so glad that you answered on my letter." she said spreading his positive energy all around us.

I chuckled happily "My pleasure. I came here wanting to know you better guys. I really miss my parents and my brother and I suffer for this lack of parental love. Also I thought that no one will want to adopt me because I am eighteen. So I was so surprise when you sent me that letter. Thanks a lot." I talked slowly and my eyes were full of tears when I mentioned my parents and my brother. I didn't want to cry in front of them I would feel ashamed. So I gulped my tears and made little ashamed looking which I didn't show them because I lowered my gaze down. 

"Yoona, we are here. Don't worry." Mr. Im smiled patting my back. He wanted to comfort and show it can be a good father.

"Yoona" Mrs. Im called me focussing my attention on her. "We really want to meet you and .." she stopped to talk and slowly put down her hand on my. I felt tenderness and responsiveness which her smooth hand pointing while she was holding my arm. ".. actually I want you to be my daughter."

I gasped surprisingly widening my eyes while I was looking her. "I.. I don't know what to say.." I stuttered nervously lowering my gaze down. 

"Okey, just calm down." Mr. Im began. "For begin let's move in our house, live with us. And slowly we can meet each other better." 

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