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All my classmates looked very cool. Haha I think that will be crazy with them, and my professor camel looks so cool. I think that I will soon fit in the new company.

"Yuri, these is your new friends, I hope that you will like them."  professor smiled sweetly pointing on my new classmates and they all seemed very happily. When I saw them I made a big smile on my face and bowed them.

"Ok, so there is your place, behind Yoona." professor camel said pointing on Yoona. When I heard her name my heart was pounding so crazily. I was embarrassed. And how wouldn't I killed her parents. I looked at her  timidly sighing so deeply. She is really beautiful!  She had a big black hair slightly curled at the ends and beautiful white skin and her lips was red. She was so serious. She didn't talked with anyone, she just looked sadly through window. It must be my fault.

I nodded professor squeezing my hands. I went on my table and sat behind Yoona. Class started and I all the time was looking at her. Ahh Ok I must say something.

I leaned forward my body as my head was hear her.

"Hi Yoona, my name is Yuri. How are you?" I whispered smiling. I was very quite because I didn't want to interrupted a class. She turned to me angrily and looked at me. I was scared when I saw her angry face. She didn't say nothing, she just looked at me as a weirdo and continued to listen a class. Bad start. Ok let's try again later.

Class was very boring, professor camel talked a lot. And when he asked some questions Yoona knew everything. She is really so smart.

"Who would like to do this task?" professor asked, and immediately Yoona raised her arm. 

"I will do that." She got up and approached near the blackboard. Woow she is really so smart. I stared at her and admired her.


Lunch time

I entered in canteen looking for place where will I sit.  And one group students waved me to sit with them. Aii these are my classmates. I smiled and went to them.

"Hi guys." I smiled.

"Hey Yuri, please sit with us, you are now our friend please just sit." One boy with dark hair smiled pointing to sit opposite him, and all friends nodded. 

"Thank you so much." I sat happily.

"So where are you from?" One girl near me asked me. 

"I am from America." I smiled.

"Oh this is great, you are here alone?" other girl asked me.

"Ah no, I have a brother here." I smiled shyly, then girls started to scream.

"How old is he." one girl moved closer to me curiously. 

"400 years." I smiled again. And suddenly all my classmates staring at me, they were very quite and confused. Ahh I totally forgot that we are humans now.. Yuri you are totally crazy. I looked at them not knowing what to say. Ahh What will I do? But suddenly all of them started to laughed crazily. Now I stared at them confusing. They really laughed a lot. 

"Hahahha you are really funny Yuri." One boy laughed holding his stomach. Aa What?  I really looked at them and nothing was clear to me.

"You really love jokes , this is cool." One girl laughed. They think that this is a joke. Aaa thanks God ahh finally. I sighed deeply and made a big smile. I have to pretend that this was joke. So I started to laughed like a others ahhh I really looked like a fool.

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