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In the morning I was very good the temperature was low but still I have felt weakness in my body. Also I am so glad that Kai and Yoona went in library to take books for me, I really want to read something while I am sick.

I was lying on my bed staring in the wall all time at once my phone rang. I got up and took my phone surprisingly. Xiumin?? What he wants ?

[Hello.]  I answered.

[Yuri how are you? You and Yoona didn't come in school today. Is everything ok?] I could hear worried Xiumin's voice.

[I am ok Xiumin don't worry.] I smiled.

[Uff ok, can Kris and I come to visit you today?]

[Of course. Please come I need someone to talk] I chuckled. Suddenly from the other side I heard some lisp.

[Hey my angel.] I heard Kris' sexy voice in that moment I gasped.

[Kris?] I stuttered nervously. Kris took Xiumin's phone to hear me?

[My angel how are you?] Krsi whispered ecstatically making my heart pounding. My angel? Hahah great...

[I am fine thanks.] I smiled sweetly in that moment Kyungsoo slowly opened door from my room and entered. [I have to go now.] I said immediately.

[Ok see a soon] Kris said and hung up. I hung up too and made look toward Kyungsoo who was standing in front of door.

"What you want?" I asked him.

"I have just wanted to visit you." he said seriously lowering his head. When I saw his sad face my hear squeezed I was little strict toward him.

"I am fine." I whispered. He raised his head and faced me showing me his happiness because I answered.

"Do you need something?" Kyungsoo smiled.

"Food" I chuckled. He made big smile and went in my kitchen. "What are you doing?" I asked him getting up.

"I will make you some food." he explained starting to take out some vegetables and pots. "I will make you some healthy food." he added starting to cook.

"And you know how to cook?" I frowned my eyebrows looking at him.

"No, but I will try" Kyungsoo smiled. I was confusingly looked at him. "What? Just go in your bed, take a rest." Kyungsoo grabbed me for my shoulders and turned my body toward my bed. I listened to him went in my bed. I lay down on my bed and covered myself with blanket. It was very funny seeing me ill and him how cook. Yeh, while he was devil he always wanted to go in in the kitchen and looks things for the kitchen and a variety of recipes he was really interested in it?


"It's time to go home?" Kai looked very anxiously. I just nodded him and Luhan and I got up. Kai really looked very worried so Luhan approached toward him and put his hand on Kai's shoulder.

"Is everything ok?" Luhan asked him.

Kai frowned his face "I have a bad feeling about Yuri." he whispered on Luhan's ear but  I heard everything. Luhan understood him.

"Come on Yoona let's go." Kai smiled and three of us started to walk toward exit.

"Yoona!" suddenly somebody called my name. We all stopped to walk and I turned my head. My eyes immediately widened  when I saw Chanyeol in front of me.

"Chanyeol?" I whispered his name confusingly looked at him. My heart started to pound again like first time I saw him. It's really hard when you see your ex-boyfriend in front of you. I lowered my head not wanting to watch his face.

Angels [EXO's Kyungsoo and Kai]Where stories live. Discover now