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The Lucifer's chamber was so huge and dark. Full evil. I was standing in his chamber waiting him.

"Kyungsoo!" I heard how he call me. His voice was deep and rough while voice was echoing through chamber.

He is here.

I crouched down on one leg and lowered my head. We always do that when Lucifer wants to see us. Let's say that this is like kind of respect. Hahahah that is weird right, that we have a respect toward somebody, but it's true.

"Kyungsoo, What are you doing on Earth? Didn't I issue an order to you?" He yelled on me angrily approaching me.

"I will be better." I uttered calmly looking down. But when he approached me I could see his black shoes and red cloak.

"Get up!" He ordered me and I immediately got up and faced him. His eyes were scared just like his face. His red hair was sicked at the beginning of the head and it was long till his feet. I could see a fury in his red and evil eyes.

"I hate when somebody don't listen my order." his tone was lower but suddenly he raised his dark magic book and kick my left cheek so hardly that I fell on the ground. Left corner of my lips has bled.

"You disappointed me Kyungsoo!" he shouted angrily. I understood him, I tried to harm Yuri and Kai but it was hard, they are so smart.

"Please master give me one more ch.." I wanted to ask him for one more chance but he interrupted me.

"Tao!" he shouted. Oh no! Please don't call him! Suddenly in chamber entered one devil. He had a red hair as red eyes. His ears had earrings and he was in black, I think that his look can kill someone. He is very dangerous.

 He is very dangerous

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"Tao." I whispered his name getting up and wiping my bloody lip. Tao gave ma a cold gaze and than he crouched in front of Lucifer.

"I hope that you will make thing to go faster." Lucifer uttered coldly putting his hands behind his back and staring at Tao who was crouching in front of him.

"I will do my best master." Tao uttered coldly and decisively.

"Please give me one more chance." I begged master approaching him. Because Tao is very powerful devil, and he always do job very great. Lucifer is very pleased with him . So if he take over my job, Yuri and Kai will be destroyed.

"Shut up Kyungsoo, you had your chance. Now it's turn for Tao." He yelled and at that moment I lowered my gazed on floor disappointedly.

"OK." I nodded him slowly while Tao was getting up.

"Do good job, Tao." Lucifer uttered and than he disappeared. At that moment Tao turned toward me and made a motion with his hand creating in his hands his dark magic book. I staring at him enemy and he just raised his left eyebrow smirking at me evilly. I started do breath very quickly swallowing my saliva nervously staring at his angry eyes.

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