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"You don't know how to clean that, move." I was hot-headed. I argued with Kyungsoo in flower shop, to be honest two of them were cleaning floor in shop and I attacked him that he doesn't know how to clean that. He is devil, they don't know nothing about cleaning or about household. Everything what they know is destroying human's life. 

"Come on Kai, just leave me to clean the floor. You are so unfit." he murmured continuing to clean floor.

His sentence made me angry so I took my brush for cleaning a floor and hit his broom. He faced me with his angry ,now dark, eyes and squeezed his broom angrily. So Kyungsoo took his broom and hit my broom. 

I grounded angrily throwing broom on floor "Why you came here? Huh!"

"This is not your business?" Kyungsoo shouted angrily. 

"You really want to destroy me and Yuri?" I approached him angrily squeezing my teeth from angry in my all body. 

He just smirked showing me his teeth "Maybe."

I kicked the bucket with water and grabbed him from collar moving him closer toward my face. "Listen me little devil, if you touch Yuri or maybe Yoona, I promise you, you will go to hell forever!"

"We will see that, angel." he smirked.

"Kai!" Suddenly somebody shouted making me and Kyungsoo to made look toward door. We saw Yuri and behind her were Yoona, Kris and one very familiar person. "Leave him alone Kai." Yuri was very angry, she approached toward me and Kyungsoo and took off my hands form Kyungsoo's collar. "What are you doing? Do you want to destroy this shop. Huh! Are you totally insane!" She yelled with us angrily. 

Kyungsoo just lowered his head not talking. 

"Yuri.. I.." I trying to explain my behavior but she interrupted me.

"Kai, you are adult person can you solve a fight without violence? And you Kyungsoo, can you not tease him?" she yelled on us like some mom on her kids.


When we entered in flower shop, we found out Kai and that boy Kyungsoo in fight. I didn't meet Kyungsoo but seemingly he is some bad guy, actually he is complete opposite of Kai.

I didn't want to be in shop anymore and look them in fight.

"I am going in my room." I said.

"Oh really?" Yuri asked. I nodded her and bowed them. Luhan gave  me warm smile and waved me. I smiled and went up stairs.

Luhan seemed like some very very nice and kind boy. He likes books and loves to study just like me. I never met person like him.

I entered in my room and found out some letter on my work table.

I took off my jacket and sat on chair for work table confusingly looking in letter.

Who can that be?

Slowly I opened letter and started to read.

~Dear Yoona~

We heard about your situation with family and your life. We know you are very pretty and nice girl. But first I want to introduce myself, my name is Im Nari and I am 34 years old. My husband and I cannot have kids and from my friend we heard for you and that you are alone. So we would like that you come here and live with us. We will try to make you happy and buy everything what you need for school. We will give you our love.
I really want to meet you better so if you want to see us please call us on this number. We will be very happy to meet you.

Angels [EXO's Kyungsoo and Kai]Where stories live. Discover now