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It was midnight and I was on balcony of Yoona's apartment Wind was blowing lightly. Suddenly, next to e Nahyun appeared. She is devil girl. She had a short back dress, red eyes and of course dark magic book.

"Why are you here?" I asked her angrily. She annoys me. 

"Lucifer sent me to see are you doing what he ordered you." she said coldly walking around me, scanning me with her gaze.

"Of course, I do my job." I said.

"Kyungsoo, you must hurry up, understand?" she approached me staring at my eyes.

"Don't bother me!" I said emphasizing each word angrily. She smirked naughtily.

"Are you In love Kyungsoo?" She asked coming closer with her face to mine. I immediately pushed her away. What does she think that she is doing?

"Don't be silly." I said coldly. Suddenly balcony door opened and Yoona exited in pajama and she cried constantly. I and Nahyun looked at her.

"I miss you a lot." Yoona whispered looking in dark sky which was covered with tons of starts. 

"What is she talking about?" Nahyun asked me.

"Her parents and brother died few days ago." I explained calmly.

"Hahhahah oh really? So you killed her family?" she laughed loudly.

"Yeah." I said lowering my head.

"And Lord of Angels expelled Yuri and Kai from World of soul to humans' world because of you?" she asked me unbelieving me. I didn't answer but she understood that my silence means ~yes~.

"Ya!! Hahh, great job." she smiled evilly looking at Yoona who was still crying. Why I am feeling so sorry now? Always when I see Yoona how cry .. I.. I ahhhh... NO Kyungsoo you are devil don't feel sorry!

Nahyun opened her dark magic book and approached Yoona slowly. What she is doing now?

"What are you doing?" I asked her worriedly.

"Ahh, please don't be pathetic, I just want to have some fun." She smirked and uttered some magical devil's words from the book. Yoona suddenly wiped her tears saying "I will die and I will be with my brother and my parents." She sighed deeply.

Yoona started laughing approaching edge of the balcony. Is she going to jump?

"You told her to jump?" I yelled angrily grabbing Nahyun's arm. She turned to me and looked at me devilly.

"Don't worry she will be with her family." she smirked. "That's what she wants." 


I couldn't sleep so I exited flower shop to inhale some fresh air. I needed it.

"You are here too, Oppa?" I heard Yuri's voice and  immediately turned to see her. She was in her pajama and jacket.

"Why are you outside, and why you don't sleep? You must in school tomorrow." I spoke while she was approaching me slowly.

"I just cannot sleep." she said sadly looking at sky.

"Ahh okay, okay, let's go in flower shop together." I smiled and she nodded. When we were about to walk in, we heard yelling on balcony above us.

  "You told her to jump?" It was familiar angry voice.  

  "Don't worry, she will be with her family." Another voice was girls'. "That's what she wants."

"What is this?" Yuri asked me grabbing my hand worriedly.

Angels [EXO's Kyungsoo and Kai]Where stories live. Discover now