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I was in flower shop with my boss. Weather was very sunny and I enjoyed it. Sunlight was penetrating through large glasses, so all the flowers were lit by the Sun. I liked that magical view.

"Can you.. give me a five roses." One pretty girl approached me shyly, hiding her red cheeks. I smiled at her cute reaction.

"Please sit here." I said pointing on the chairs and  a table in flower shop. There customers wait until workers decorate flowers. She nodded, and I went to do my job. Suddenly, my phone started to ring and I shook up a little.

~Hello~ I uttered holding  roses.

~Mister Kai?~ the person form other side asked.

~Yes.~ I uttered.

~I am director of High school where your sister, Yuri, goes. Your sister Yuri made a problem in school, so if you have time, please come.~ He said and I could tell he was angry. When I heard that, I dropped all roses on the floor. I was scared that something happened to Yuri. What? Ahh Yuri.

~What did she do?~ I immediately asked worriedly.

~This conversation is not for phone, please come in school.~ he said and hung up.

"Ahh, that girl will kill me." I murmured exiting the flower shop angrily. The girl who waited for roses called me but I didn't listen to her, I just walked away with silly Yuri on my mind.


"You have really stolen a ring, Yuri?" Director asked me furiously. I was standing opposite him and my head was lowered. My sight was constantly glued on the one point on the floor. My homeroom teacher was next to me, trying to calm director down.

"Ya! Director please calm down, I am sure that Yuri has a great explanation. Please give her chance." Professor camel begged director.

"Mr. Chen, your student stole something. She must be punished!" Director yelled. While I was listening them I became angrier and angrier.

"People.." I uttered coldly while my head was still lowered. Director and my homeroom teacher stared at me confusingly.

"Y...Yuri" professor camel murmured timidly.

"Why are people so selfish?" I uttered raising my head with traces of an anger filling my eyes. I was really disappointed. We, angels always try to help them and we always protect them from devils... for what? That people can punish other people...how selfish..

"What has happened?" I heard Kai's voice behind myself. He entered the office quickly and worriedly without to knock on the door.

"Mister Kai, you are here." Professor Chen said happily. I turned myself toward Kai and raised my head to see his blue angel's eyes. He worried.

"I am sorry Oppa." I uttered sadly.

"Yuri." he uttered my name so warmly, it seemed that he knows what's happened.

"Chen, please take Yuri out. I want to talk with mister Kai alone." Director said seriously. Professor Chen took my hand and we went out as he closed the door slowly.

"Yuri, did you really steal that ring?" Professor camel asked me, putting his hand on my shoulder. I didn't know what to say. I just kept quiet. He realized that I didn't want to talk so he just rubbed my back and disappeared.

"Aish Yuriii!" I shouted angrily. "What will I do now? Ah, you are crazy Yuri, TOTALLY CRAZY" I talked with myself hitting my head. "I have to find Yoona, or Sung Ji, yeah I must ask her why she did that." I added and started to walk through school.

Angels [EXO's Kyungsoo and Kai]Where stories live. Discover now