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Sometimes, while I am looking in light blue sky, I ask myself will I be angel again, will I finish Angels Academy like Kai, will I be what I used to be there in the sky? Why all of this had to happen? I was just useless angel, while Kai was the best as always. He has carried out his mission successfully aye, while I was just like some minded behind him. No, I'm not jealous. Just once I wish I was successful as he, because that I wasn't there when Yoona's family were, they wouldn't die

"What are you doing?" Kyungsoo's voice woke me up from my thoughts. I winced and found out myself in front of big windows how I am looking in sky. I turned my head slowly and saw Kyungsoo beautiful face near my. His eyes were smiling at me sweetly and pure. Near big window was table for flowers so I put my hands there and he did that too.

"Hey Kyungsoo" I uttered his name through whispered smiling slightly. 

"Is everything fine?" he asked. 

"Yes, don't worry I was just in my thoughts." I explained.

"I have to ask you something?" His declare made me to face him and saw his white skin, he didn't watch in me, he was staring in sky and then when he felt that I am looking at him he made smile on face and lowered head down still smiling shyly. "Let's have date, go out with me." His words make me to widen my eyes and felt strong heart beat.

"What?" I stunned staring at him crazily. Date? 

"Yes, I would like it." then he faced me and shyly approached toward me putting his hands on the table where were I in the middle of his hands, actually his arms hindered that I move away. Never in my life I didn't saw his face so close to my so I thought that my heart will explode.

"K..Kyungsoo, what are you doing?" I stammered nervously wanting to escape from him but he didn't allow me that.

"Please don't be afraid of me. I am devil and I don't deny that. It is not possible that you did not feel anything between us. You felt something, right?" in that moment he leaned his forehead on my closing slowly his eyes, he made that my heart pound madly. "Our love is impossible but we are humans now, rules on the world are different. Just relax and believe me. I hate it when you are afraid of me that hurts my heart constantly." he talked slowly while his voice sounds so warm. 

In moment actually in second I believed him. "Kyungsoo I.. I" I didn't know what should I say, so he slowly put his hand on my neck moving slowly my hair from my neck. That sent shiver in my spine. I gasped in shock because of his warm arm who was touching me.

"Yuri, let's have a date, please." he whispered one more time while his breath tickled my lips. I swallowed my saliva and took deep breath. "Stay still, I want to try something, just don't move please."  he uttered making to my heart paused for a moment.  He raised my chin up and  softly he lowered his plumply lips on my and I staggered. But what is more queerness I didn't complain I allowed him to play with my lips and to touch them. In moment while we was kissing each other he bite me for my lower lip and I gasped from grief breaking our kiss but Kyungsoo just smirked "Sorry I have to taste it." and then he again continued to kiss me.

Phone rang and I broke the kiss pushing Kyungsoo away. My cheeks was red like tomato. I sighed deeply and started to walk toward phone nervously feeling shiver in my all body. Come on my heart just calm down!

Also I could feel his evilly smirk behind my back. So I just took the phone and answered.

[He..hello.] I stuttered nervously.

[Yuri is that you, ohh thanks God.] I heard Yoona's voice from other side, she sounded so worried and concerned.

[Yoona is everything okey?] I got serious.

[Kai is in hospital, you should come here immediately!] she yelled making me shocked.

[What? How? Where is he?] I attacked her with question losing my mind. Kyungsoo noticed my worried and approached toward me with frown face. 

"Is everything fine?" he asked me but I just ignored him focusing my attention on Yoona and our conversation. 

[I told you he is in hospital, Yuri first relax okey, don't worry he is fine now but just come here] she hung up. My all body started to shiver from fear. And in that moment tears fell down on my red cheeks. Kyungsoo noticed that he immediately grabbed me for my shoulders and faced me.

"What's happened?" He asked me worriedly.

"K..Kai is in hospital." I sobbed and Kyungsoo hugged me patting my head while I was crying on his shoulder.

Angels [EXO's Kyungsoo and Kai]Where stories live. Discover now