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When moving away days from the last meeting and the last view more I have felt that my old luck returns. Slowly, small steps trying to leave the past and to move on. He just turned and walked away, at that moment was gone all that we had hoped for and what we dreamed, I wonder if he ever loved me? Only for what I regret is that we didn't say goodbye to each other, brief kisses and hugs that night  looked like as if there will be more, I was not hoping that it's last.

Anything goes but the memory of him not..

"Are you okay?" Suddenly Kris' voice appeared in my ears. I snapped out making look toward him. We are at the picnic with Yoona and Kai as I promised them, but I rule out the thought for a moment and completely excluded from talks.

"Ahh sorry I was just thinking about something." I stuttered nervously and tiredly. Yeah, I was thinking about Kyungsoo as always.

"Ya! Yuri, please eat something you have to be healthy again." Yoona insisted giving me food in my mouth.

"Thank you again." I smiled. We are sitting on the very soft and green ground while around us are trees also we can hear screaming children, parents, couples, animals and nature. Everything is just so beautiful. 

"Yoona, say AA" Kai said looking at Yoona happily while he is giving her a food. The way how Yoona and Kai look at each other is so incredible. These are the views of loving, attention and fortune it is evident. 

"Yuri, come on let's take a walk."  Kris suggested  taking my hand and raised me up. I decided nevertheless to take a walk with him, it's better than to bother them in the affair. 

We began to walk toward little forest near us. 

"You like this place? Ahh, I really want you to be better, I just cannot look at you on this way how you destroy yourself mentally and physically because of him." Kris started to talk making my eyes to be moist. 

"No, don't worry I will be fine, I just need time. People say that time heal everything." I was swallowing my tears. 

"Yeah, people say stuffs like that." Kris murmured annoyingly. "Yuri, let's go on date." his statement almost killed me how surprised I am. I paused making look toward him. 

"What?" I whispered with surprise.

"Come on, it's just one date." Kris said it again but this time he said it so shyly and nervously like some boy who is in love. He rubbed his blue hair making some soft glance with his blue angels eyes. That is sending shiver in my spine.   

"I... I am not sure, I just cannot, I still love Kyungsoo. Sorry." I lowered my head nervously playing with my fingers. 

"It's okay, I understand you, also I hope that you will change your mind." Kris smirked showing that he is fine even though I rejected him.

We continued to walk but suddenly when I raised my head I saw Kyungsoo  far away from me. he is standing there all in black with red eyes and dark magic book in his arms. He is staring at me sadly. I stopped to walk staring at him while my heart is beating so  crazily. Kris when saw that I stopped to walk he stopped to walk too looking at me.

"Is everything okay?" he frowned. 

"Kris, look it's Kyungsoo there!" I said looking at Kris so happily. Kris immediately made look toward the place where I am pointing with my finger but on surprise there is nobody. He just disappeared again. 

"Yuri, there is nothing." Kris uttered looking at me again.

"I saw him I swear." I raised my voice angrily staring to walk toward forest  almost running. 

"Yuri wait come back here!" Kris yelled starting to run behind me, but I just ignored him. I came in the place where he was and looked around and there is nobody. I felt frustrated.

"You need rest let's come back please." Kris begged grabbing my hand. For sure he thinks that I'm out of my mind.

"Leave me alone Kris." I pushed him away from me. "I know what I saw I am not crazy." I added angrily walking deeper into the forest. And he just continued to walk behind me, he is scared that I can make some problem. 

Angels [EXO's Kyungsoo and Kai]Where stories live. Discover now